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"Kira I think I can help you pull your memories back," I heard Jessica behind me, "it might hurt a little, but I think I can do it."

"Don't bother," I shook my head, "I'll figure it out on my own and I won't do it near anyone."

"Kira stop," she said sternly. I stopped walking, "I'm sorry for putting the ring around you. I never meant to make you feel like I didn't trust you. I was just taking a precaution which I felt was pretty necessary. Jace could have killed you."

"Jace wouldn't have killed me," I turned to her quickly. I felt the anger growing in me, "he wouldn't have! I wouldn't have!"

"Okay," she nodded, "okay. I'm sorry. I can't speak for Alex, but for the record I don't think he meant to offend you. I don't think he was trying to."

"Of course he wasn't meaning to," I started to laugh, "I was in the shower remember. I wasn't supposed to hear that conversation."

Her eyes softened, "Kira you went through something really horrible. I want to help you get them back okay? I'm not against that. I think it would benefit you to know what happened there."

"You mean that?" I asked.

"Yes. 100%." she nodded her head, "Justin thinks so too. Jace, I got him to agree. He didn't originally want that."

"I know," I sighed, "I know. I'm sorry I yelled at you, I just- I don't know."

"It's okay," she walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me, "you don't have to know. I love you and we are going to figure this out okay? Now come on, lets practice." We walked a bit farther into the woods.

"Okay," she said, "lets start with a strength test yeah?"

"For which ability?" I asked.

"Uhhh okay do witch, wolf, vampire," she nodded, "can you do that?"

I wisped my hands around and set a ball of fire into a tree. It fell.

"Oooookay," she said as she slowly turned back around to me, "wolf."

I started to transform myself and soon I was standing in front of her. My fangs and claws were out and I could hear her heart racing, "it's okay. I have complete control." I felt my eyes turn yellow and I walked over to the tree. I tried to pick it up in the middle but I was unable to. I walked over to the end and was able to lift it a bit off the ground.

She nodded, "okay I guess roar right now." I did as she said and she covered her ears, "woah. Wow. Okay, vampire." I shifted back to my human state and allowed my teeth to grow back out. I jumped and flew up into a tree. "Holy shit!" she yelled, "I didn't know you could do that!"

"I can run triple what I could as a wolf," I jumped back down, "jump higher, here." I walked over to the tree and tried to pick it up. I felt it budge but I wasn't able to pick it up completely.

"Try all three," she said, "I'll stand back here."

"Are you sure?" I asked, "I haven't tried that on my own."

"Go ahead," she nodded, "try it."

I stood back and allowed myself to start shifting. My bones broke and I cried out, but at the end I stood tall. I walked over to the tree and raised my hand in the air. The whole thing lifted above the ground. I yelled as I threw it, turning to Jessica afterwards. Her eyes were widened, "do something else."

I looked at the tree next to me and threw a punch. When it landed I felt the bark start to crack and an indent was made in the trunk.

"It makes everything stronger," she walked out, "being able to shift individually is something I have never heard of. This is crazy, this is, Kira you are baring amazing abilities right now. Your eyes, they're bright blue."

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