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They walked upstairs and the two boys made their ways to both me and Jessica. Jace wrapped his arms around me, "I've been worried about you. WASNT a fan of how you left. Are you okay?"

"I know," I shook my head, "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. It was spur of the moment, I saw she was far and I just went to her. Jess said she'd come and leave a note for you and just at the time I agreed. I didn't mean to worry you, I'm sorry my love. And yes I'm okay, stuff was bad for a minute, I have to talk to you guys about Esme."

Jessica and Alex turned around, "what do you mean?"

"I mean there's been weird things happening. She passes out and sees the golden gate, sees this group of older people who are talking to her," I explained while shaking my head, "and then she hears these whispers or, or these voices that are telling her where to go and then there's random things that she just 'knows', like when you and Alex were out looking for Justin," I nodded, "and then we were in the building and I just had this weird feeling that's why I went in, but I found them and Jace I saw- I saw the man that had you in the room at Finis and I did that thing, with the blue that makes the building collapse," they all nodded their heads, "and when she touched me... we turned bright bright yellow, almost white, and the feeling, I don't know, we felt... connected or something.. like one person and when I opened my eyes again the entire building was nothing but ash."

"So what are you thinking?" Jace asked.

"It's sounds like she's a witch," Jess suggested, "and you two.. connected?"

"I don't know how to explain it," I shook my head, "she grabbed my arm to try and get me to stop but instead it just pulled her in and made us like one being and the power was... ridiculous."

"Wait was that what that boom was?" She questioned, "I heard it right before I got your message."

"Yeah," I nodded, "I guess so. It had to of been. But how can she be a witch now too? How is it possible? I'm the only one alive because my mom was the first and only hybrid at that time." I paused, "wait... does that mean... could she... could I?" I heard Justin's door open and Esme walked out slowly. She made her way to the stairs and headed towards us, walking into the kitchen.

"He was asking about food," she said, "I told him I'd come down and ask." 

"Actually you're just the person we wanted to see," I nodded, "come sit down, we have to talk about a few things." She walked and sat down at the table, I could tell she was uneasy. Her heart was racing. "Okay," I sighed, "these things that have been happening, the golden gate, the group of people, the voices." 

"I don't know what it is," she shook her head, "it just started happening when he went missing. That's when I started feeling and seeing things."

"Did anything else happen?" Jace jumped in the middle, "while Kira wasn't with you?" 

"Uhm," she looked at the ground, "so I left and saw the gate and the people and then I kept hearing voices throughout the way to him. Then I was able to sense him which is when I told you guys to stay put. Then I went to the building and got him but then the guards came back and shot this netting around me and took him. I felt myself just getting more angry and more angry to a point where my hands... they turned bright red and completely burned through the nets. I was able to get out and the next thing that happened was with you when I touched you and the house... disintegrated."

"You- your hands turned red?" I asked, "and burned through the roping? The netting?" She nodded her head and I sat back. "What the hell?" I looked at Jess and Jace, "what is going on?" I looked back at her, "who are you?" 

Bedburg Hillsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن