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I ran downstairs to grab a few bags of blood. Kira and Jessica were sitting at the table. 

"How is she?" Kira asked. 

"I think she's okay," I nodded, "she's healed all the way now, just got out of the shower. I'm sure she's starving so I'm just grabbing her some of these. I know she won't ask, she's too nervous."

"She showered?" she questioned while chuckling, "does she have clothes? I can grab her some of mine, they might fit her better."

"Does she even have underwear on?" Jessica chimed in. 

"I don't know," I shook my head, "I just gave her a shirt and sweat pants. She hasn't complained about it, I'm sure it's fine. It'll be fine." I grabbed them and shut the refrigerator door before heading back upstairs. 

"Is that all you're taking up there?" Kira asked. 

"I mean yeah," I nodded, "should I take more?" 

"Whatever they had on her was draining her of all her blood," she nodded, "she's probably going to need triple that many before she even starts feeling like she's back to normal."

"Then I will be back," I headed upstairs and walked back into the room and her eyes started glowing almost immediately. I started laughing, "hungry?" I tossed one to her as I made my way over to the bed. She started drinking it, chugging it actually. 

"Oh my god," she opened another one, "this is so good. Thank you so much." I smiled and sat down beside her, turning on the T.V. She drank all 10 of them within 13 minutes.

"Jesus," I laughed, "do you want more?" 

"I don't want to drink all of them," she shook her head, "I feel like I've already had too many." 

"No," I shook my head, "we have plenty. I promise. I'll go grab some more for you." 

"Are you sure?" she questioned, "I don't want to upset anyone or anything." 

"Positive," I nodded, "you won't. I'll be back." I left the room and walked back downstairs. 

"Back for more?" Kira laughed. 

"Yeah yeah yeah," I sighed. I grabbed the bowl and filled it with more bags.

"Take like twenty," Kira said behind me, "or twenty five. That should be enough to hold her over till morning. She'll be hungry still but atleast this way she won't be starving or anything. It'll get her body back to normal." 

"Are you sure?" I asked, "there's like not that many left in here now." 

"We still have the basement cooler," she nodded, "you're fine. I promise." I did as she said and loaded it with twenty of them. 

"Thank you," I nodded before heading back upstairs, "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Door stays open!" she yelled aloud as I walked back into the room. 

"Alright I brought the hook up," I smiled while walking over to her, "here you go. Just set this right over there and eat as you please."

"There's so much," she shook her head, "are you sure?"

"I'm positive," I nodded, "and so is Kira. Honestly she told me to bring more the first time but I just didn't listen so I listened to her this time." She took the bowl and set it on the ground beside the bed, grabbing one and opening it.

"Hey I know you probably haven't," I said, "but have you ever heard of Naruto?" I turned Netflix on and went to it to show her. 

"No," she shook her head, "you watch anime?"

"Oh I love this show," I defended, "it's awesome. Just trust me." I clicked on it and started it from the beginning. The two of us watched. I looked over at her, smiling and pressing my lips to the top of her head. 

He came down and grabbed another round of blood bags, this time taking my word and just taking her a bunch of them. After he went up, I listened for his door. When it didn't shut, I stood up and started cleaning up the dishes. 

"You really made everything easier today," I said, "thank you for helping us help her. I know deep down you didn't want to." 

"No," Jessica sighed, "I did, I understand that she was only trying to help Alex. It just sucks because it would have been cool to meet her any other way than how we did. You don't have to thank me."

"Justin imprinted on her," I turned around, "he's still working on figuring it out, but he will. So he imprinted and it kinda automatically makes her part of the pack. No one who runs with us can hurt her."

"That would make sense," she nodded, "so is she also going to be living here or?" 

"I don't know," I sighed, "maybe eventually. I don't think she's ready to move in here yet, with everything that just happened to her, she probably would rather have her own space. I know I would. Now if she wants to live here, then of course I'll let her but I will have to figure something out with Justin and her and the sleeping thing. I don't know how to handle that. I just know I'm supposed to say leave the door open." 

She started laughing, "you'll figure it out. Atleast he's a teenager and you don't have to watch him every second."

"No that just means I do have to watch him," I laughed with her, "no but really, it definitely throws a curveball at things."

"I hate to cut everything short," she started to yawn, "but I think I'm going to head over to Alex's and hit the hay." 

"Fair enough," I walked over to her and hugged her, "thank you again. Be safe. I love you and I will maybe see you tomorrow?" 

"I love you too and of course you will," she smiled. She walked out the front door and I locked it behind her and headed upstairs. I crawled in bed beside Jace and he rolled over, wrapping his arm around me and pulled me to him. 

"Hey baby," I whispered. 

"Hey beautiful," he smiled, "I've been waiting up here for you." 

"I know I know," I smiled, "I'm sorry. Jessica and me started talking and then Justin came down and time just got lost. I'm sorry my love."

"It's okay," he chuckled, "I was just messing with you. It's been a long day." 

"I know it," I laughed, "I'm ready to fall asleep."

"Me too," he leaned forward and kissed me, "I love you. I'll see you in the morning?" 

"I love you," I smiled back, "I'll see you in the morning." The two of us adjusted ourselves and laid down fully, closing our eyes and drifting off to sleep. 

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