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"This is how I got in last time," Kira explained, "this is how we will go in now." She waved her hand over us and each of us was now cloaked. "Boys breathe and step lightly," she explained further, "only roar out if you find him or if there is an emergency. They will be on us as soon as that happens. We have to be careful here. Please everyone just think before you act." We nodded our heads and she opened the door slowly. She stuck her head inside and opened it the rest of the way. 

The six of us piled in and the boys headed in one direction while we went in another. We snuck around workers as they walked up and down the halls and in and out of rooms. I could hear the cries and screams of everyone around me. 

"This is where Jace was," she whispered, "so he has to be around here somewhere. He's super natural so they'd have him here somewhere." I watched as she snapped her fingers and the bulbs above us flickered before going out. I heard an alarm start blaring and people scatted the halls as they all moved out in one direction. "This is our chance," she said, "split up. Find him." Jessica started walking off and so did Kira, but I felt it was better if we stuck together. I ran and caught up to her, we started looking in the doors and making our way up and down the halls. 

"I smell him," I stopped and looked around. Where was it coming from? Am I even sure it's him?

"How do you know?" Kira asked. 

"I don't," I shook my head, "but I do at the same time. Come on." I grabbed her hand and pulled her around the corner and through a door. On the other side was a single hall with a single door at the other end. We could hear him roaring out as we heard voices cheering above him. "It has to be him in there," I nodded, "it has to be." 

"I think so too," she agreed, "hold on. Let me call on them." She snapped her fingers and I watched as a piece of paper and a pen appeared in thin air. She started writing and she snapped her fingers again, the message disappeared. She closed her eyes and held her fists tightly together. "Okay Jace, Justin and Alex got it," she whispered, "ah yes. There's Jess." She opened her eyes, "okay, they're on their way here right now. When they get here, we will move in." His cries echoed in the hall and when they finally got there we talked about a game plan. 

"You're sure he's in there?" Jessica asked, "like one hundred percent?" 

The two of us nodded our heads, "we're sure." Kira took over, "okay Jace and Alex and Justin, you guys watch that door. No one comes in and only we walk out. Got it?" They nodded their heads and walked over, "Jess I'm going to need you to help knock these people out or atleast get them on their asses. We need to move fast, I don't know how much worse his position has gotten." She walked to the door and I stood behind her. I watched her hand start to turn a bright white color as she set her hand on the door handle. 

"Kira?" I asked, "are-" She opened it quickly and I watched a bright light fill the room. I turned and closed my eyes as Kira screamed out. Suddenly the brightness went away and Kira was walking into the room. I slowly turned to look, trying to blink away the black spots in my vision. I walked in the room, the workers were grabbing at their eyes and crying out. The two of us walked over and broke the chains around him, catching him as he fell towards the ground. Blood covered his skin and bruises and cuts covered every inch of him. 

He started coughing and gasping for air as I pulled the needle from his skin, "wh- who are you? Wh- where are you- you ta- taking me? Let- let me go!" I felt his whole boy tense up and he was able to rip himself from us. Me and Kira turned around quickly to look at him and his eyes had shifted to yellow. He started to growl and lowered himself into fighting stance. 

"Stop!" Kira jumped in front of him, "stop I need you to trust us. Okay, trust me. I know you don't know us and this might sound crazy but we- we are family. Please just trust us." You could see the look of confusion on his face, she had taken him off guard. I watched as she shifted her eyes and allowed her body to shift into her creature. He took a few steps back and when Kira shifted back to a human, he was more relaxed. 

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