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I walked out the doors of the theater and around the side of the building. I heard footsteps approaching quickly and I looked to see who it was. Kira ran around the corner and walked over to me.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I shrugged, "yeah I'm fine. I just needed some air."

Before I was able to move or say anything else she wrapped her arms around me. She held onto me tightly, and pulled back to look at me.

"What are you doing?" I smirked pushing her hair behind her ear, "don't feel like you have to do anything."

She shook her head, "I don't feel like I have to do anything. I promise. I'm doing these things because I want to."

She took her hand and set it on my cheek, my eyes stayed locked on hers, "I'm not very good at these things. I don't think we - I don't think it's safe for you around me. I-

"Things are never going to just be safe for you or me or anyone around us. You do not scare me Jace Emerald, you might scare others, but I am not one of them. You aren't going to push me away and I won't let you pull yourself away because your brain tells you to. I am here. I want to stay here," she smiled.

I looked at her eyes as water filled them. Her heartbeat was way faster than normal and all I wanted to do was kiss her, "you- you mean that? Are you sure?"

"I am more than sure okay?" she nodded, setting her hand back on my cheek, "I'm sure. Now come on, lets go watch this movie with them."

I smiled as she grabbed my hand and gently pulled me back into the building. We walked back up the stairs to our seats where Alex and Jessica were smiling and staring right at us. I shook my head as we sat down. Kira set her hand on my leg and without hesitating I put my arm around her. She smiled, making me smile with her. I turned to face to the screen and the four of us continued to watch The Landing.

Once the movie was over we all followed each other out of the building and onto the sidewalk. Alex walked Jessica home, me and Kira headed home ourselves.

"What did you think of it?" she asked as we walked down the dim lit road, "I thought it was pretty good. I wasn't expecting the ending at all."

"I know!" I laughed, "me either! The part where that thing comes out of the chest got me for sure!"

We got to her house and I walked to the front door with her.

"I guess this is where we part ways huh?" I smiled, "until tomorrow anyways."

"Until tomorrow," she smiled, giving my arm a squeeze. She leaned forward and pushed her lips to mine again and pulled away smiling, "be safe tonight please. If you need to leave there tonight just text me and I will get you in here. Okay?"

"Okay," I smiled while kissing her forehead, "you be safe too. I'll see you tomorrow."

I turned and walked off the porch as she walked into her house. I stood smiling before walking to my own house. I slowly walked onto the front porch and in through the front door. All the lights were out so I shut the door slowly and made my way to the stairs. I headed up to my room trying to walk slowly to not creak the floors. Once I got there, I shut the door and grabbed my phone.

Me: Hey beautiful

Kira: Oh stop 😊 you don't mean that. How are you handsome? I'm glad you're in safe.

I sat and stared at her message for a while. No one has ever called me that before. No one has ever kissed me or just hugged me. People barely ask me if I'm okay. The only person to ever do that is Alex.

Bedburg Hillsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें