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We pulled in the driveway slowly and I got out even slower. I was exhausted, I don't know if my magic is just drained so it's causing me to be drained, but whatever it is, I'm frigin tired in every aspect.

Justin carried Jace into the house and up the stairs, laying him in the bed. I walked over and hugged him, "how are your feeling?"

"I'm a little sore but I'm okay," he nodded.

"Here," I waved my hand over his chest, "sano. Sano. Sano." His body flew a golden color and his eyes shut. He took a deep breath as his body tensed and when he breathed out he relaxed, I asked, "feel any better?"

"Brand new," he smiled, "thank you. That helped all of it. It's gone."

"Thank you for helping me and not letting me go alone," I nodded, "seriously I don't know if I would have made it out."

"Well a pack is stronger together than they are apart," he smirked, "it's no problem. I'm always gonna have your back. But I am going to go shower and then lay down, I am beat. Grace will be out of school in a few hours and I'll have to go pick her up so-"

"Jessica and Alex are getting her," I smiled, "so don't worry about that. Just go sleep. You need and deserve it." He walked out of my room and down the hall. I walked over to Jace, he lied calmly on the bed.

"No one else will get in this house," I opened my arms, "I swear." I started speaking in Latin, going through all my known spells trying to remember one that's strong enough to protect the house and anyone in it.

I turned to him as I watched his fingers and legs slowly start to twitch back to life. I sat beside him, wrapping his hand up in mine.

"K- Kira?" His eyes slowly opened.

"Hey baby," I fought to hold my tears as a smile spread across my face. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

"How- how'd you get me out?" He asked, "I- *ARGHHH* I can't hear anything. I- what's going on?" He covered his ears with his hands, "make it stop make it stop!"

Shit. The headphones. Why didn't his hearing heal yet? It should have. It's been hours. They must still be ringing in his ears. I set my hands over his ears and somehow all of a sudden I felt the pain he felt, I heard the ringing. I cried out as I grabbed my ears, the pain was unimaginable.

I squeezed my eyes shut and laid face down in the pillow. I could feel Jaces hands on mine but I couldn't hear anything around me. I watched Justin run through the door and over to me.

Him and Jace started talking frantically and he ran out of the room. About twenty minutes later Jessica ran in. She ran over to me and put her hands over mine. She started talking but I couldn't make out what she was saying. Suddenly the sound went away and it was all just fuzziness around me.

"I- I can't hear you," I shook my head, "the ringing and the pain is gone but I can't hear."

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Jessica I need you to come over here right now," Justin spoke quickly, "Kira, she I don't know, she took his pain somehow. Literally. Whatever was happening to Jace is happening to her. She's, she's screaming, she's grabbing her ears. I-"

"I'll be right over," I hung up the phone and immediately ran downstairs to Alex. "We have to leave right now," I said scared, "I have to go to Kiras right now." I stretched out a portal and stepped through. Justin and Jace were downstairs, Jace was clearly in distress.

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