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"Have you heard from her?" Jessica walked through the front door.

"No," I shook my head, "should we do a locator spell?"

"I mean we're just making sure she's safe," she nodded, "I don't see why not." I walked to the pantry and grabbed out the jar, pulling her scrunchy from it.

I keep one belonging from each of them so in case I have to do a spell, I always have something.

I lit the candles and we joined hands, speaking in unison. The flames went out.

"What the hell is she doing that far away?" I asked, "that's over 500 miles out, it has to be. Can you portal to her?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "yeah I can try." She walked over and started moving her hands around. I watched as the purple rift formed in mid air and the snow covered woods appeared on the other side.

"You coming?" I asked, "you don't have to if you don't want to. I'd understand. It's pretty short notice."

"Let me write the boys a note," she nodded, "I'll portal back." I nodded and stepped through, the portal closed behind me. I looked around and caught her scent, I followed it. Finally I saw her.

"Esme," I said, "hey hold on." She spun around quickly and her eyes widened.

"How did you find me?" She asked, "oh my god I'm happy you're here."

"Locator spell," I nodded, "what are you doing out here?"

"I don't know," she shook her head. I could feel the look of confusion on my face. "Something is pushing me this way," she explained, "I heard the whispers in the wind around me. They told me to keep going, every once in a while I hear it still. So I keep going."

The golden gate. The voices, seeing the group of people. It all sounds so.... Witchy

"Jessica will be here soon," I nodded, "she portaled me here." She stopped walking.

"We should wait for her then," she nodded, "its too quiet out here, you feel like you're constantly being watched."

"That's because we are being watched," I looked around. I could sense them, a lot of them. I heard footsteps behind us and turned to see Jessica.

"Hey guys," she smiled, "thanks for stopping,"

"Yeah you got here in time," I nodded, "I'm glad you're safe. We've got visitors." She started to look around with me and again, footsteps approached.

"What are you doing in my woods?" A man emerged from behind the trees, "you weren't invited here."

"We're just making our way through," Esme nodded, "I'm looking for someone dear to me. We don't mean any disrespect."

"Where have I seen you before?" He walked closer to us, "you look familiar, smell familiar."

"Then we must be on the right track," I jumped in, "you know who Justin Elders is I suppose?"

He stood straight and took a deep breath in, "I do. He's missing?"

I nodded, "yeah. He was taken, we're looking for him."

"That's where I know you," he nodded while looking back at Esme, "he passed through while looking for you. I owe him, we will leave you to your business. Best of luck." He took off into the woods before any of us were able to get words out. The others were gone as well.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"They must have been the pack that took him," I explained, "they beat the hell out of him for awhile and when he realized who Justin was, he let him go."

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