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I woke up and the sun was shining in my eyes, I could hear the birds chirping outside and when I looked at the clock I was surprised to see it was only 6:52am. I rolled over and wrapped my arm around Rowans body, he was still sleeping. I wonder when he's going to wake up... I decided to go take a shower so I walked into the bathroom and I turned the water on, stepping in, allowing the hot water to hit my skin. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and poured a small amount in my hand before rubbing it in my hair. The smell filled my nose and I washed the soap down the drain before putting in conditioner. I washed my body. 

I wonder when he's going to wake up. It's all I can think about. I hope he's okay. Why couldn't I break out of Falco's barrier? I'm stronger than her aren't I...? I mean... I'm a tri-bred... like Kira. That means I have the same potential she has, right? To be as strong or stronger? So why couldn't I get past Falco? Why? Is it because I found out too late? Because I haven't accepted my powers till recently? 

I turned off the water and got out, drying my body and hair. I looked in the mirror, looking over myself, "how did you get here? How did all of this happen?" I looked down at my hands and then walked out of the bathroom to put on some clothes. I opened the drawer and grabbed a shirt, some boxers and a pair of sweats. I looked over as he laid on the bed, his eyes shut and his body barely moving when he breathed. I walked over and pressed my lips against his forehead before looking back at him. I love you. I love you so much. "I hope you're okay in there," I brushed my thumb across his cheek, "I know I miss you out here. I'll be downstairs. I- nah... nevermind. Sleep good, get yourself all healed up." I stood back up and headed out into the hallway. 

Mmmmm. Caramel Apples, Cinnamon, Eggs and Bacon filled my nostrils and from there my stomach started growling. Music was playing quietly downstairs. As I made my way around I was met with Christmas decorations all over the house, there was a bare tree setup in the living room. When I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, Jace, Kira and Esme stood. 

"Woah hey goodmorning," Kira said happily. I couldn't help but smile, the energy felt so positive right now. "How are you?" she asked, "you hungry?" 

"Starving," I nodded, "thank you." She stepped to the side revealing a counter of food. I walked to it, making myself a plate and sitting at the table. "How long have you guys been up?" I asked as I started to eat. 

"Well I was up around 6:30," Jace took over, "Kira here didn't sleep at all last night and Esme just got down here not long ago."  

"Ah so you guys did all of this this morning?" I asked while looking around.

"No," Kira shook her head, "I did it last night, well, early this morning. We all went to bed last night and around 2am I decided I couldn't sleep and I was going to decorate. So I did. I finished around 6:30, that's when I went up with him and he woke up. I wanted to decorate the tree together, all of us."

"That'll be cool," I smiled, "I've never gotten to do that. It'll be fun." 

"I uh... I don't know if any of us have," she looked at Jace and Esme. Each of them shook their heads, "yeah.. I think the only people who stood a chance of doing that are Alex and Jess. Speaking of which, Jace, have you talked to them? Did Alex answer you?" 

"Dad no," I whined, "we can't move. All my friends are here, my boyfriend. The witches. They-"

"No Jessica," my dad said sternly, "we're leaving this town. I am not living here any longer. Your mother wanted to live here to be close to her witches, since they killed her, we're leaving. End of discussion. Go pack your bags." He looked at me for a couple seconds before turning his back and walking away. I ran up to my room and sat on my bed, grabbing the photo of me and my mom. We cremated her last night, me, Alex and my dad. It was sad, horrible really. Now he's gun-ho on moving and leaving the city, I feel like I can't even catch my breath. 

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