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"That was a lot more difficult than I thought," Jessica said, "hopefully it didn't sound too loud in here."

"I think we're okay," I nodded, "I hear very faint talking and foot steps but it's nothing that's close to us right now. We just have to be careful."

Getting that door unlocked was a pain in the ass, and using magic to try and open it still took long. We started towards the voices, walking slowly past numerous hunters. 

"I hear machines," Jace whispered, "this way... there!" 

I stood back and looked at the operation going on. There was tons of metal hospital beds, wood beams to hang people by. People were tied down, tied up... there were I.V.s in every single wolf there. 

"This is his pack?" Alex asked, "that's a lot of wolves."

"Yeah it is," Stacy whispered, "I've never seen a group this size. Lets hope they remember that we're the good guys."

"Agreed," I nodded, "okay what's the-

The doors in the front slammed open and in came four hunters. They had large poles with loops of wire at the end. They looks like the devices that people use to catch dogs. One hunter stood in front, Justin was behind him. One hunter to his right and one to his left. Finally, one behind him. The hunter behind and the two at his sides had poles that attached to both his wrists and his neck. He was fighting constantly and they were struggling. 

I turned to see a man walking slowly towards them from the other side. Other hunters followed them. There has to be atleast 20 hunters in this room with us right now. They are every where. 

"Sir," the head hunter in front of Justin spoke, "this is the last one. The alphas son. Justin."

"Ah yes. He looks as such," he smiled as he walked directly up to Justin, "you won't have a lot of fight left in you soon my boy. String him up, start with his teeth, that'll be the quickest way to send our message. Oh and bring his mother to him. Let him see what he has caused her."

"Yes sir!" the four of them said. 

I turned around, "guys we have to do something." 

"We can't," Jace shook his head, "there is too many of them. We need to wait and see if any of them leave."

"I agree Kira," Stacy sighed, "I know it isn't the smartest thing but we were not planning on there being this many."

"I know," I sighed, "I know. Alright, everyone spread out, go find a place to sit. Watch people, stay out of the way. Just conjure an idea in your head and we will get back together."

They nodded and each walked to separate areas. I stayed where I was at, I had the clearest view. 

"Mind if I stand up here with you?" Stacy whispered. 

"No," I shook my head, "I need an opinion anyways."

"You have a plan?" she questioned. 

"Maybe," I nodded, "we need a few of these guards to disappear though, but not die. I don't want anyone dying today. What if we were to cloak everyone in here? We could get them all down and out, no one would know where they went."

"No," she shook her head, "they'll get into a formation and start firing their weapons. It'll be a blood bath. What if we created a diversion? It could buy us time." 

"Like?" I asked. 

They started hanging Justin. Both his wrists were tied above his head and his legs were spread apart. The one man grabbed a syringe and injected something into his leg. He started to shift and then stopped. He started to cry out in pain as his bone we stuck  in a constant breaking position. They shoved a piece in his mouth, opening it to show his fangs. They then took another needle and stuck it from his gums towards the bottom of the tooth. 

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