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I woke up with my hands chained behind my back, as well as my ankles. I was tired, I felt like I couldn't breathe, like I didn't have the strength to move.

A door opened and a bright light came on above me. I squinted my eyes and lifted my head slowly, it was cold in the room. Colder than me anyhow.

"Welcome back," Valor smiled while getting close to my face, "how are you feeling?" His hands wadded in my hair and he pulled back harshly.

"Le- let go of me," I said angrily, "let me out of here!"

"Oh no," he smiled, "once you're in, you don't get out."

"No," I shook my head, "I was specifically told if I was sold and escaped I was technically free after that."

"They were wrong," he cocked his head to the side, "we find you and we bring you back and we make sure you never go anywhere again." I rustled the chains, hoping for a miracle, nothing. "You can stay down here," he smiled, "in the inner circle."

"What do you- wait the- the inner circle?" I stuttered. The inner circle were the top rank guys in the business of trafficking. Myself and so many others have been at the hands of all of them. We're all scared of them.

"In a few days you'll be initiated in," he nodded, "then you'll serve them."

"Initiated?" I questioned.

"They'll find the part of you they desire most. They'll each have their own, never one of the same. That'll be their spot on you."

"What- what do you mean?" I asked further.

"Jesus do you not remember anything?" He snapped, "their spot so when they get bored and wanna fuck you, or like release stress or whatever, they'll have their spot. That's what initiation is." I swallowed and looked around nervous, trying to rid myself of the chains again. He walked over to me again, "In the mean time." He pulled out a knife and made a small cut on his arm. I felt my eyes start glowing and I focused in on the smell and sound of his blood.

I hissed and he jumped back as I lunges towards him. He stared smiling, "well that was almost close." I felt a sharp pain in my side and cried out as it surged through my body. He pulled it away and held it up to me, "we've advanced quite a bit since you've been gone, especially for when we found you." He turned around and walked away, opening a door and disappearing behind it. 

I started to try and yank my hands from the cuffs but nothing was working, it was almost like they were spelled, well, they probably are. There is a witch in the group after all. 

"Come on," I whined, "come on!" The door opened again and this time four men walked out and circled around me. I'm freaking out right now internally, I can't go anywhere. The only defense I have is my bite and what good is that if they don't get near my mouth. 

"She's beautiful Valor," one of them turned to him, "what did you say her name was again?" He walked behind me and wadded my hair in his fists, "beautiful hair. Feels like silk, black as night."

"Esme," Valor nodded, "she was in the group for many many years before. Then she turned into this, this horrid, vile creature. She massacred one of our own and then ran, like a coward. We've been searching for her ever since. Recently a photo of her popped up, I heard she was in Bedburg Hills area, so I went searching. Low and behold, I found her. I brought our most skilled men, we fought off others. Three men, two other women. We don't know if there are any survivors." My heart stopped and I looked at him. 

No... No surviviors?

"We brought her here. We've been waiting for this day," he explained further. The tears were coming to my eyes the more I repeated the words in my head, "we have decided to gift her to the four of you. We have special tools for her, ones I believe you will most enjoy." He brought his hands together and bowed forward, standing back up, "may I show you?" 

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