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The cool air that hit my face felt refreshing. I was just standing in the woods now, fully shifted to the animal I've become. I looked around as the snow fell and wind blew, my fur lifted with each breeze. I hear footsteps approaching and when I turned around, Justin was standing there. 

"Kira," Justin linked with me as he approached, "come on I want to take you somewhere." He started running before I could say anything so I went ahead and started to follow him. We ran for a few minutes before we came upon a pond. He slowed down and he shifted back into a human. I did the same, walking beside him. I saw a cross as I got closer and instantly the tears flooded my eyes. "This is where she is," he nodded, "we couldn't thaw the lake. I couldn't send her out like normal." I looked at him for a couple seconds before looking back at the cross. I set my hand down on the ground that filled the space between us and her. "I'm sorry I did it alone," he continued, "you should have been here." 

"It's okay," I nodded, "thank you for bringing me here." He nodded his head. "You know she loved you," I nodded my head some more as I spoke to him, "she loved you so much and she knew you loved her."

"How are you so sure?" he asked, "I mean... I couldn't save her. I-"

"You couldn't control the circumstances," I sighed, "even if we had to do it over... we wouldn't have been able to stop it. They had me down and they had you... they had all of us down. We couldn't. And how are you gonna ask that? She loved you with every ounce of her. You were all she had left, you were the last of your pack. You were the only family she had." 

"She was the only family I had," he looked at me, his face was red, "she was it. And yeah sure, we're all family here.. but she was the last one left of my blood, my pack. It's only me now. The entire legacy of the pack is in my hands now too. There's just so much on my mind." I wrapped my arm around him and leaned my head on his shoulder. 

"I know," I sighed, "but everything will be okay. We're gonna be okay. Alright?" He nodded his head. 

"Where'd she go?" he asked, "Cassie. Where'd you send her?" 

"I honestly don't know," I shook my head, "I still don't know what happened that they were all talking about."

"Well I know I don't have to explain it again," he shook his head, "but I know they're all going to be worried. This hasn't ever happened. I kind of hope you took her magic though." 

"You really didn't want her dead?" I asked. 

"Oh no I wanted her dead," he started to chuckled, "but I also knew Esme wasn't going to let me say that and she was spelled. I know you said she could have broke it so that doesn't matter but... I don't know. I don't know why I said no." I couldn't help but a laugh a little too. 

"Did Kai and Rowan ever come back?" I asked. 

"Not that I know of," he shook his head, "I didn't see or hear them once they left. I don't think they've been back yet." 

"Should we worry?" I questioned, "do you think they're okay." 

"Give them some more time," he nodded, "they're probably just out. After all, you and Jace were really only gone a little while. All of that happened so fast just now I doubt it took more than 30 minutes from the time I walked in to the time I walked back out after you." 

"I'm sorry," I sighed, "I am. I don't mean to be so emotional. I just feel so... so... not right. You know what I mean? I don't feel good. I'm sad and I'm angry, and I'm holding these huge grudges that I don't know how to get rid of because that only frigin think that'll get rid of them is-"

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