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I watched as everyone crowded around the tree. Watching everyone as smiles lit up their faces and laughter filled the room. Christmas music played in the background as the smell of fresh cookies filled my nose. Kira looked so at peace but at the same time I could tell it was a big façade. I could still see the sadness that overtook her. 

I walked over to her as she placed the angel on the top of the tree. Just like that everyone stood back and waved her hand. Lights went out in the house as the tree lit up slowly. Its glow was bright, beautiful really. She started smiling and spun around. As our eyes met her arms went around my neck and she hugged me tightly. 

"It's so pretty," she laughed, "everyone looks so happy." She pulled away and I looked as everyone stood around staring at the twinkling lights. 

"It's beautiful my love," I leaned down and whispered in her ear. She grabbed my hand and gave it a small squeeze. I couldn't help but the smile escaped and I pressed my lips on the top of her head. Jessica's phone started ringing and she rolled her eyes as she pulled it from her pocket. 

"It's my dad," she held it up before slapping it against her hand, "I'll be right back." She walked towards the front door and stepped outside. Alex walked to the door and pressed his ear against it. I could hear her talking. 

"Please don't make me go," she begged her father, "please. Kira said I can stay here. We'll be okay. I have my magic, we have our powers. I-" 

"No," he snapped, "you're coming home now and we are leaving. Now Jessica!"

"No!" she yelled back, "I'm not leaving! And I'm not leaving mom! You can run dad, but I'm not running!" I heard the call end and Alex backed away from the door. She walked back in, her eyes were filled with water. "I don't know what to do," she sat down, "I don't know. I don't want to leave, I don't want my dad to leave. I just want us to stay here." I understood, I think we all do.

"We're gonna figure it out," Alex started to say, "we will. Everything's going to be okay. Alright? I promise?" He wrapped his arms around her and I just turned and looked at Kira. She stood watching them for a few seconds before looking back at me. She took a few steps back towards me and her arm slid around my backside. I felt her lean up against me as her thumb moved back and forth. Her phone started to ring again and when she looked at it she sighed, loudly. She answered and pressed the phone to her ear. 

"Get your ass home right now!" her dad yelled on the other end, "right now, Jessica! I won't say it again."

"Dad please," she sighed, "please. I-" Kira walked towards her and took the phone from her hands. I couldn't even stop her, I had no time. 

"It's Kira," she started to talk, "please, hear her out. I have this house, she can stay with me, she can stay with us. We will stay safe, she will be safe. I-"

"You can't guarantee that," he cut her off, "your magic can't guarantee it, your wolves or whatever you are. Nothing can guarantee her safety except for me. Now, Kira, I suggest you give the phone back to my daughter. You don't even have a right to speak to me after what happened to my wife at your hands!" I stepped forward but Jessica was quick the rip the phone from her hands. 

"That wasn't her fault dad and you know it!" she cried out, "you don't get to talk to her that way!" She ended the call and wrapped her arms around Kira. "I'm sorry," she shook her head, "I'm so sorry. He didn't mean that, he's just angry. I'll see you when I can okay? I'm a call away." She turned and looked at Alex before going and pressing her lips to his, "stay here, with your friends. I love you, so much, Alex." She spun around and tore a rift. 

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