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"It might be easier for you to show me the same vision," Kai suggested, "here." He held out his hands and I grabbed them. I felt the world spin and just like that we were back in time.


We were in the town of Bedburg. The church and bank had just finished being built, the first schools roof was being out on and set to be done shortly. The town would be a real town. Settlers had just moved here not long ago. Wolves from my real families pack, from Justins pack, and other joined for drinks with the humans. Witches that migrated from Salem found comfort and a home within the towns borders. Here no one knew, here we were safe, for now. Vampires didn't have daylight rings yet, they were still held to the shadows of night.

The churches bell rang and people gathered around. They discusses the recent discoveries of bodies in woods, declaring the incidents to be animal attacks and to keep an eye out.

"We have elected our mayor," A man spoke loudly in front of the crowd, "everyone clap your hands for our lovely Johnathon Henry." No one was too happy about it, very few claps filled our ears and instead the mutters of people whispered around.

"Before standing here as mayor I made many discoveries, unpleasant discoveries about the creatures that roam our woods!" Jonathon yelled, "I've come from towns where demons sucked people dry of their blood." People gasped around as they looked at each other. "I've seen women distort their husbands minds with witchcraft and charm," he continued, "I've seen wolves the size of humans!" He continued his speech and I finally saw members of my blood pack. I made my way towards them with Kai. Nobody could see us obviously, they could walk right through us.

"This isn't good," Erwin shook his head, "this guy as mayor? He's going to run us out of our home."

"We won't worry about it until we need to worry," Buck nodded, at this time he was leader of the pack. He's considered my great great great great grandpa I believe. "We will handle this when we have to. For now go to your families, gather them and we'll meet at the lake later." The rest of them headed and followed their alphas orders. I took Kai to the witches shop, this is where the first of many events took place. The woman's name was Ara, she had red hair and green eyes. Freckles covered her face but unfortunately she was key looks for a witch.

Jonathon barged through the doors of her shop after his speech yelling about how she was a witch. She was accused by other towns people around and she was pulled to the center of town where a noose was put around her neck.

"Please!" She cried, "please don't do this! You'll regret this!" The rope was pulled tight and others watched as she was hung in town.

"This really happened?" Kai asked, "seriously?"

"Well you've heard of the Salem witch trials?" I asked him and he nodded his head, "this was the first mass slaughter of super naturals in Bedburg. For many years the supernaturals were slim to none in this town but it's destined to be different. This town... it's like a beacon for supernatural energy. So I've learned this far. Here watch this." I forwarded time a bit to a couple weeks later. The school was finished and built, kids attended. Houses were on the rise and miscellaneous stores were being built.

As night fell men were sent into the woods to search them. Gunshots soon flooded the air and before long nearly my entire blood pack was brought into town. Each of them were shit and killed in cold blood, execution style. People were cheering for this, as if it were spot. Before long everyone was on board with Jonathon.

The water wells were being spiked with vervain to draw out the vampires and wolfsbane for wolves. Any woman that disobeyed a man, a rule, curfew, or did anything abnormal was accused of being a witch. Many innocent lives were taken and many families were torn apart, ruined.

"This is horrible," Kai shook his head as the blood flowed in the streets, "I- I can't believe this happened here."

I nodded my head, "I know. It was quite an experience. This whole thing isn't even all of it. Like I said, it was just the beginning. My pack was eventually killed off later down the road. Now there's me, and only me as far as I know. Both my real blood parents are dead. Vampires weren't a part of town up until not too long ago and witches well.. witches are crafty. Many died but many survived. After Jonathon died and the next mayor took over, his wife was a witch so ruled eased then but not much. It's still a struggle. We still can't let people know because if they find out... there is a huge chance that we will have to go through it again and I don't want that. That'll put all of us at risk." Kai nodded his head and I felt our connection drop.

I opened my eyes at the same time he opened his and the two of us stood up and stretched.

"I'm gonna take her upstairs," I nodded, "lay her down in bed and then hop in the shower."

"Yeah I'm probably just gonna go lay with him," he smirked, "need any help?"

"Nah," I shook my head, "just uh- lock up down here whenever you come upstairs. We don't need anyone getting in here tonight." He nodded his head and I slowly picked her up bridal style, carrying her up the stairs and into our bedroom. I laid her in bed before pressing my lips to her forehead.

"I love you so much," I whispered, "so so much. Please be healing okay. Know I'm so ready for you to wake up. I uh- I'm sorry I couldn't get to you faster. I'm really not good for you, Kira. I really just suck at protecting you. I feel like I shouldn't even be here. I'm not doing my job of keeping you safe. Why should I even be here?" I looked at her for a few seconds before walking into the bathroom and stepping into the shower. I let the water fall on my face.

I started to talk to myself when the thoughts in my head became too loud, "god you are such a shitty boyfriend. A shitty second hand and rock. You can't even keep her safe Jace. I mean come on. You're no man and she deserves so much more than you. She does. And you know it but you're too damn scared to just admit it. She's better off without me..." I felt sadness overtake my body as I looked at my hands, "I shouldn't be here anymore. I'll write a note, they can know that I'm gone but I don't want them looking for me. I'm sure Kira will understand. She needs to. She needs to see that maybe I can't protect her how she needs and deserves to be protected. Gosh this sucks but... but I think it's the right choice..."

I got out of the shower and got dressed before grabbing a piece of paper. Memories flooded my head of the last time this happened and it made me stop writing. I looked over at her, slowly moving my hand across her face. I looked at the scar that was still on the side of her face.

"I'm so sorry Kira," I shook my head, "Please understand this. Please understand my thought process. Please understand why I'm doing this. It's to hopefully protect you more. Maybe... just maybe someone will come for instead of coming for you or anyone else here. I can't stand myself... knowing that I can't protect you, knowing that I can't ever just do anything right." I looked back at the paper and continued writing. I walked downstairs and set it on the counter before quickly and quietly leaving the house. 

I turned around and looked at it for a few seconds, contemplating my decision before sticking to it and heading into the woods. 

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