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I ran into my house and straight up to my room. I grabbed the computer chair and threw it across the room. "No!" I screamed as I flipped the bed and threw a few punches into the wall, "no! She's gone!" I felt angry but tears were still falling from my eyes. "She can't be gone!" I cried out, "she- she- she-" My door swung open and Jace stood in the door way. "Don't," I turned around, "don't come over here." 

"Okay," he said calmly, "okay I'll stay here and you can come to me that's fine. But I want you to know I understand the feeling of losing someone important."

"No you understand 'losing' them," I spun around, "you've only ever cared about Kira and she isn't dead! She can't die!" 

"She can die," he said, "it's just... a bit harder than hard. And listen, you're right. I haven't ever cared about someone so deeply which is why I understand atleast some of your pain. I'm here for you." 

I wanted to turn my humanity off. I didn't want to feel this pain. I didn't want to be sad... so I shut my eyes and just like a switch... I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and turned around to face Jace. The wolf. That's in my house.

"I don't need anyone," I shook my head, "especially some dog. Now get out before I do something drastic." He looked at me for a few seconds, dumbly. Finally he turned around and I heard him walk down the stairs and out the front door. "I'm hungry," I hissed, "let's go find something to eat."

What was that about? Why would he say something like that? I ran through the front door. 

"Kira!" I yelled out, "Kira we have a problem!" She popped out of our bedroom and stood at the top of the stairs. The others were all staring at me. 

"Well spit it out," Esme said, "what's wrong?" 

"Alex," I looked at each of them, "he's... different. I was over there and I heard him tearing apart his room. I got up there and he wouldn't look at me. I could tell that he had been crying for the split second I really saw him. But when he turned around he was just different. Mean. Like he had no emotion or something, it just disappeared. He told me he didn't need anyone, especially from a dog."

"He said that?" Kira asked quickly, "he- I know what he did." She stood for a few seconds before being able to get it out, "he turned off his humanity. He has no emotion. He doesn't care about anyone, just himself." 

"Has he ever tasted human blood?" Esme asked quickly, "ever?" 

"Not that I  know of," I shook my head, "why?" 

I watched as Esme and Kira made eye contact before Kira spoke, "because he could be going to try that out right now."

"We have to stop him," Esme said, "we have to. We have to get him back here. We can't risk him wreaking havoc in town. He'll get caught." Kira nodded her head and before I could say anything they were gone. I grabbed the door knob and Justin grabbed my arm. 

"We have to let them do this," he said, "we don't know what he's possible of and he's made it clear how he views wolves. It's best we sit this one out." I nodded my head but I didn't feel right letting her go alone, I wanted to be there with her, just in case anything goes sideways. I could help. I might not take him down, but I could distract for long enough that she can. I decided to listen to him though, so I sat down on the couch and waited. 

"Esme didn't really explain what happened," Kai said randomly, "with Jessica."

"She's dead," I nodded my head, "her dad too. There was a car accident, they went off the side of the road and the car just rolled. Kira tried but she couldn't save her."

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