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I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in my eyes. I slowly rolled out of bed and stretched before kissing Jace's head and leaving the room. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make Grace some breakfast before she goes to school. I made the bacon and then started on the eggs before making her toast. 

"Goodmorning," she walked down the stairs, "how are you?" 

"Goodmorning," I smiled, "I'm doing okay. How are you? Sleep okay?" 

"I was awake a lot," she sighed while sitting down, "I kept waking up." 

"Do you know why?" I asked her. 

"No," she shook her head, "I kept seeing this woman in my dreams. She was tall, skinny. She kept trying to get me to follow her." 

"Was she saying anything?" I set the plate in front of her and sat down in the chair beside her, "did she say her name or anything?"

"No," she shook her head as she started to eat, "and she was talking but I couldn't hear her. I saw her mouth moving but it was like no words were coming out. She was waving her hand like this." She imitated the woman in her dreams. She was definitely trying to get Grace to follow her, the signals say it all. Maybe I could tap into her memories and see if I could see her? 

No. That's too much. She's too little yet. 

She finished and I cleaned up the dishes and since Justin was still sleeping upstairs, I decided to take her to school. I took her in and dropped her off, hugging her tightly and sending air kisses as she ran down the hall to her class. She was adorable, so cute. I left and made my way back to the truck I made up, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main road. I pulled up the stop light I was hit at, flashbacks flooded my brain. I never did find out the whole truth about that car accident. 

The light turned green and I started to drive forward. A black SUV showed up in the distance, they were flying in and out of traffic. I watched as it flew by me and I turned to follow them, maybe it's them. I followed as we made tons of turns and eventually they stopped on a bridge, on one of the backroads. I'm not even sure where I am 100%. I turned my lights off and sat back a ways, watching their movement. 

"Cassie?" I asked aloud once she stepped out fully, "what the hell are you doing?" She looked around her and walked onto the bridge, looking at the water below. Suddenly she snapped her attention in my direction and I ducked down quickly, cloaking myself and the car. 

"Let it shine, let it rain, bring her pain for see her shame!" she yelled out. I looked up to watch a bolt of lightening strike beside her, it made me gasp. I started to feel a slight burning in my hands and when I looked down, I saw that they were bright red. I started trying to heal myself but the more I did, the more it spread. I looked back at her again, she was gone, disappeared. 

I was then ripped from the car and landed on the ground. I could feel myself starting to sweat and I was slightly light headed. She was circling around me. 

"You- you hit me?" I asked her, "you hit my truck? Why?" 

"Me and him made a pact," she spat, "I must follow through, for he is no longer her to finish it!" I watched her whip her hand from behind her back and a sword appeared. She swung it around and before it hit me, I was able to catch it. I felt it slice into my skin but I didn't feel any pain associated. 

I roared out and watched as she hit her knees, "you don't get to come after me! I did everything I could for the two of you! Everything!" I roared once more and grabbed her, lifting her body and throwing her. She hit the ground on the bridge and rolled a few times before coughing and trying to stand back up. I threw my hand out, paralyzing her body and lifting her again. I threw her into the water beneath the bridge and ran back to the car, jumping in and driving away. My heart was racing a mile a minute, I was sick to my stomach. 

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