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With nightfall approaching quickly again, I decided to stop and hunker down. The wind was picking up and the snow flakes were large and in charge. I took cover in a bushy area and grabbed a bag of blood. I drank some and put it back in my bag.

"Okay," I sighed, "lets see how they're doing." I snapped my fingers and wrote a message, sending it to Jessica. Within a few minutes I received one from her. "Things are going good," I read aloud, "the two of them are still sleeping. I took Grace to school today and picked her up, she's upstairs right now. I think she misses your cooking though. How are you?"

I wrote another message and sent it back her way. My eyes glazed over and I felt myself fall backwards.

"There he is!" a man yelled from the group, "everyone be careful. He's dangerous this one." The circled around him and slowly tied his hands and legs together.

No. No no no! I started running towards them. I watched as they started to drag him through the snow, his body almost looked blue.

"No!" I screamed out, "let him go!"

I snapped back out of it, shooting up from off the ground. I shifted and started making my way back through the woods.

The wind picked up, the snow got worse and the temperatures continued to drop. I could feel my own body starting to tense up from the cold. I walked slowly while trying to be quiet so no one would hear me. I heard voices in the distance, I made my way towards them. I saw a group of 6 men, all of them had guns. They stood alongside a pond.

"He killed our friends!" one of them chanted, "now it's our time!"

"Yeah!" the rest of them cheered.

"So what do we do!" he yelled.

"Kill him!" they chanted back, "send him to hell!" I watched as they started kicking him and hitting his face. I tried to use my magic but nothing was working. Suddenly they grabbed his arms and legs.

"No!" I screamed as they launched him into the water. I waved my hands again but still, nothing was working. I jumped from the tree, grabbing one of them and throwing him at the others, taking five out in one shot. I let out a loud roar at the other. He tried to draw his gun but I was quicker. I grabbed it, bending it in half. I roared again and he started running. I turned around and watched as the other five took off into the woods. I ran into the water, jumping in to find him.


I grabbed the rope and pulled him to me, swimming back up to the surface. I pulled the two of us out and onto the snow covered ground. My body shivered. I shifted back to my human self, "Jace! Jace baby I'm here! Can you hear me?" I tore the ropes from him and started trying to warm him, "cutis calida fovent carnis calficiendum corpus ea non probaret. cutis calida fovent carnis calficiendum corpus ea non probaret. cutis calida fovent carnis calficiendum corpus ea non probaret." Nothing was working. I listened for his heart but what I heard sounded like almost nothing. "Stay with me baby," I shifted and picked him up, "I'm gonna fix this." I started running through the woods, jumping and weaving through all the branches until I finally got back to the cave. I turned to the opening of the cave, "Et ignem hunc velant, et virtus placet, huic domui: quia alius potest abscondere hoc domui eius. quae obice!"

With the cave now cloaked, no one will be able to see us and with the barrier I have around us, the weather won't affect us. I started waving my hands over his body again, "cutis calida fovent carnis calficiendum corpus ea non probaret. cutis calida fovent carnis calficiendum corpus ea non probaret. cutis calida fovent carnis calficiendum corpus ea non probaret." I watched as his skin started to turn an orangey red color, his skin turned warm. I started smiling, "hoc sana vulnus exitiale. hoc sana vulnus exitiale." The glowing started but quickly went out.

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