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I woke up in front of the golden gate, "great. Exactly what I wanted." I stood slowly and walked to them, pushing them open and walking through.

"Kira," a woman said, "it's so good to see you again."

"Okay we need to be on a name to name basis," I said, "who are you? What are your names?"

"Falco," She nodded, "now we have a problem on our hands if you can tell."

"She isn't bad," I shook my head, "she's good. She's like me."

"Impossible," she spat, "one of you is evil. The other, light. Together, you two wield more power than what can be handled. One of you must go."

"No," I shook my head, "we are both staying. We have done nothing wrong, we've just been surviving, keeping each other safe."

"Yes please listen to her," another witch stood, "I've seen them. She's telling the truth." I looked over at her.

"Shh!" Falco hissed, "don't speak."

"We aren't going anywhere," I shook my head, "no way. You guys aren't even on the ground anymore. You think you can just control everything from up here? Well you c-" Suddenly my throat tightened and I couldn't breathe anymore. I hit my knees, grabbing at myself to try and breathe again.

"Falco!" a woman shouted, "stop! Now!" The air rushed to my lungs and I started coughing to catch my breath. I looked up to see a bright shining light floating in the air. The leaves fell from the trees as the ground beneath me shook. I looked up as the light dimmed and a woman stood in front of me, the other witches all bowed their heads. "We do not kill here," the woman said strongly again, "you know this. We do not kill without reason."

"Ma'am they're tri-breds," Falco said.

"Tri-breds?" she questioned, "as in plural? More than one?"

"Sisters," I stood up, "she's my... sister... atleast we think. I'm trying to get answers." She walked down and over to me, lifting me to my feet with the wave of her hand.

"Sisters you say?" she asked, "now how could that be?"

"I- I don't know," I shook my head, "we just sorta... found out."

"And her name?" she asked.

"I'm not giving names," I shook my head, "pyscho over there wants to kill one of us."

"Rose," the woman from before said, "her name is Rose."

"It's not," I shook my head, "not anymore. Who are you?"

"Well you know Falco," she breathed, "the one sticking up for you, that's Rit. I'm Jazz. I'm the leader here, of all the covens above. My brother, Zaj, he's the ruler of all those below."

"Below?" I asked, "like hell?"

"No one will be doing any killing here," Jazz assured, "Rit, you said you've seen them, they're not bad?"

"They're not," she shook her head, "they play by the rules, don't let their powers out in front of everyone. The only lives that have been lost are those that threatened them, took them. They- they have a pack."

"A pack?" Jazz questioned, "of?"

"Everything," I nodded, "we all just... fit."

"Explain," she said.

"Jazz you're really going to let them walk free?" Falco interrupted, "none of them are supposed to be alive."

"You're right," Jazz turned. Instantly I felt my heart sink. "They aren't supposed to be alive but one of us messed up. We don't know what witch caused this, but we can't take a life without reason Falco. You know this. We have a creed."

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