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I woke up in front of the golden gate again. It opened slowly and I stepped forward, walking into a wooded area. Suddenly the group of older people appeared.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"We're your family," a woman whispered, "you've hidden from us a long time Rose but we have found you now and now we must take you."

"What?" I asked, "Rose? I'm not Rose, I'm Esme. What do you mean take me?" The woman stepped closer.

"They managed to hide it from us," she smirked, "but now we know the truth."

"Who?" I asked, "who hid what?"

"Your parents," she stood taller, "you shouldn't be alive right now."

"You have the wrong person," I shook my head, "I don't know who my my parents are, I've never seen them before. I- please, let me go."

"To continue you must let us lock your powers," she said, "you can't have all three."

"All three?" I asked, "are you- wait... what do you mean all three?"

"Maybe we could spare the girl," another woman said. I felt like I knew her for some reason, I was almost drawn to her. "She doesn't know what's going on anyways."

"No," she shook her head, "we can't have two. They will destroy everything they touch."

"What if they don't?" the other woman asked once more, "after all, the other girl has proven good so far, she's only protected. She has started no war, no fights, she's only ended." I watched as they bickered back and forth. I looked around, I no longer saw the gates, only trees that stood hundreds of feet tall. I watched as the woman looked at me and waved her hands quickly, sending me flying backwards.

I shot up gasping for air and looked at Justin, "I'm all three. What does that mean? What does all three mean?"

"Woah woah," Justin set his hands on my shoulders, "what just happened?"

"I- remember when I told you I saw golden gates and then this group of old people showed up and talked to me?" I asked. He nodded his head. "That's what happened," I explained, "it was them. I saw the gates again and then the people but they were calling me Rose and they were telling me that I've done a good job hiding for as long as I have. They said that they had to lock my powers, that I couldn't have all three and then this other woman stood up and when I saw her... I don't know, I felt... something. I felt drawn to her, like I should know who she is. She was asking to spare me and let me go and then I started flying backwards through the air and now I- I" I turned around and realized where I actually was, "I'm back here now."

"You're a tri-bred," I nodded, "you are. You're all three."

"It doesn't make any sense," she shook her head, "they were calling me Rose. What if they just had me mistaken?"

"No way," I shook my head, "no way that's possible."

"There is no way I am," she pleaded, "I can't be." 

"Why would it be so bad?" I asked trying to calm her down. She looked at me and then back at her hands. 

"I don't know," she shook her head, "I just feel this horrible feeling." I laid down on the ground and she watched my every move. 

"We're good right now," I nodded, "besides this thing, we're good."

"What if I hurt you more?" she asked, "what if I just make it worse?" I shook my head and chuckled. 

"You won't," I looked at her eyes, "trust me." 

"Trust you?" she laughed, "trust me I trust you but I don't trust this idea." I grabbed her hands gently and set them over my stomach. I know she can do it, I just want her to trust her instincts. She always freezes up cause she's nervous she'll mess up but she's so much smarter than she allows herself to believe.

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