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I felt my eyes start to open slowly and I looked around. My mouth was as dry as cotton and it hurt to move. I was in bed. "What?" I looked around slowly, "how?" 

The door opened and Jace walked in, "Kira? She's awake!"

"Jace?" I instantly felt tears gather in my eyes, "Jace is it really you?" 

He walked over to me but was stopped. I looked down and a ring of salt was around me. 

"What is this?" he asked. 

"It's salt," I sighed, "Jessica noticed." 

"Noticed what?" he asked. 

"How long have I been here?" I asked confused, "you.. I am so confused." 

"Jessica portaled us to you," he explained, "Justin and Alex got you out, I took down Ron. Then Justin was trying to get me and we got closed in. We got home though, we just got home. I literally just walked in the door 30 seconds ago."

"I thought I killed all of you," I started to cry. 

"What?" he asked, "no. No, we are all alive. All of us. You didn't hurt any of us." 

"Ron injected some red serum into me," I shook my head, "the one he was going to use on you to attack Alex. I killed all four of you. I unlocked the vampire powers. I-"

"You're a vampire now?" he asked. 

"Yeah," I said disappointed, "I am. That's why I'm locked in here. In this." I sat down and Jace walked out. A few seconds went by and Jessica walked in. 

"I'm so sorry," she ran to me, "are you okay" How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," I nodded as the tears gathered in my eyes, "please let me out of here Jess. Please. I'm not going to do anything, I just want Jace. Please." 

"I can't," she shook her head, "I'm sorry." 

"Why?" Jace snapped his head towards her, "she isn't going to hurt us. She's your guys' friend, my girlfriend. Let her out of here!" 

"Jace!" I snapped, "Jessica please. I feel okay, I'm just tired and I want, I want my fucking boyfriend so please let me out before I have to break out."

"You can't," she shook her head, "it- it's spelled, I have to make sure everything is out of your system first. Please." 

I glared at her and snapped my fingers. The salt blew away and the barrier broke. Her eyes widened, "I can't?" 

"I'm sorry," she shook her head, "I just- I just wanted to make sure everyone was safe and that you were okay too, what he did to you, Kira it was sickening. I understand why you're mad, that's why I'm going to leave the room. I'm sorry."

Alex and her walked out. Justin followed and the door shut. I turned at looked at Jace. I jumped into his arms and he wrapped his around me tightly, "I missed you so much. I didn't think I was going to see you again." 

"I missed you baby," he breathed into me, "and I will always come. Come on, you know that. Hey lock us in here, so no one can come in."

"Yeah but I killed you," I shook my head, "I drained every ounce of blood from your body Jace. From Alex's, from Jessica's, from Justin's." I looked at the door, "saepem coici." The door locked and a wall of blue went around it, "there. No one can come in."

"You did that because of Ron," he smiled as he looked at me, "you didn't do that because of you. Hey, look at me," he said calmly, "you would never do that to anyone okay? Ron made that happen, that was not your fault. You're a vampire now huh?"

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