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I walked into school the morning looking at my phone. Did I do something wrong? He probably thinks I am a stalker or something for breaking into his house. Way to go Kira, now the only guy who has ever shown interest in you thinks you are some psycho stalker.

I sat down in my first class pulling everything out of my bag. The teacher started talking as the final bell rang.

"Okay guys," she smiled, "good morning, lets make today a good day alright? Now who read the chapters I assigned?"

Her voice began to drown out as I saw myself standing in the woods. I saw Jace's cave and I saw Jace laying on the rock covered in blood.

"Jace?" I asked, "hey hey wake up!"

I was his side and he was awake, but he wasn't moving. He kept screaming for people to get off of him. I jumped back and saw the claw marks magically appearing on his body, blood running continuously.

"Mrs. Delta? Mrs. Delta are you okay? Kira?" the teacher said repeatedly.

I looked around, everyone was looking at me and I was standing in the corner of the room. I made eye contact with the boy who has a beside me, Alex.

"Jace?" he whispered, "Emerald? Is that who you're talking about?"

I quickly grabbed my things, "I'm sorry I have to go."

"Kira-" the teacher exclaimed as I ran out of the room. I ran down the hall and out the doors. I started to run towards home but instead I ran into the woods.

"Jace?" I exclaimed, "Jace I'm coming!"

As I got closer I could hear his cries for help. I ran beside him, setting my hand on his chest. I saw the blood but no fresh claw marks. His nails started to recede back and I set my hands on his cheeks.

"Okay," I breathed heavily, "here have some of this." I grabbed my water bottle and handed it to him. I instantly saw the drill hole marks under his eyes and were the needles went into his neck.

"They-" he struggled, "I watched them kill you. Some serpent thing absolutely tore me apart. Then these things appear out of no where and start tearing me to pieces. I'm so sorry I didn't text you. Ron, he-he told me that he was going to capture you and test it on you. I-I made myself turn and I was able to break out of the straps. The helmet, it's over there. We can't let him get it back Kira. I'm so sorry. I-

"Shhh," I shook my head, "don't be sorry. You're okay. Everything is going to be okay."

I walked over to the wall and sat down, he slowly made his way next to me.

"Lay down," I whispered while patting my leg, "just lay down and rest."

"How did you find me?" he questioned, "how did you know I was here?"

"I saw you," I shook my head, "I was in class and then I wasn't, mentally. I saw you laying here and you were screaming for help. Your eyes were shut and I kept watching all these new claw marks appear on your skin. I couldn't stay there, I ran out of class and came here."

I slowly pulled him down to my lap, where his eyes shut slowly, "thank you for coming, again."

Before I could say anything else he was asleep. I felt his body relax and I grabbed his hand. I closed my eyes, feeling his pain and taking it away. It stopped and I started to rub his back, feeling every muscle along his being.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket because I repeatedly heard it dinging only to realize it wasn't mine, but Jaces. I reached for it, seeing texts from Alex.

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