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"What- where am I?" I slowly opened my eyes before shooting my head up. I looked around. I was in a... I don't even know. It was rock everywhere. I was in a dark room, the lights were off but I could still see a bit with my eyes adjusting. Where am I? How did I get here?


Who took me?

I heard the clanking of metal as the door in front of me was unlocked and opened. A bright light was then turned on I had to squeeze my eyes shut.

"Well well well," I recognized the voice... Cassie... "look at what we have here."

"What do you want with me?" I growled, "and how are you back?"

"Lets just say I have a lot of ancestors that back me up," she knelt down in front of me, "and this is the only way to draw them in." She grabbed my face and poured wolfsbane into my mouth. I started to try and cough it up but it wasn't working. It was burning my insides and making it hard to breathe. The air made it worse. "Now I'm going to take what I need," she walked behind me and started fidgeting with tools.

"I'm just a wolf," I coughed, "I can't give you anything."

"Oh no but you can beg me to stop," I felt a wire wrap around my neck tightly. "You're strong," she whispered as I struggled, "you're a very strong wolf. Whats your bloodline? Oh wait, they're all dead!" She let go and I started to cough. She walked in front of me, "we're gonna have a little fun." She lifted her hand and I felt my entire body start to strain. My eyes glazed over.

I woke up in my bed from my childhood. I stood quickly and looked around. "What the hell?" I whispered, "how am I here? This house was destroyed." I walked out of my room and right into the hallway which led me into the kitchen and living room area.

"Goodmorning Justin!" Grace said.

"Grace?" I asked, "wh- how are you-- alive?"

"What?" she asked, "I've been alive this whole time? What are you talking about?"

"Justin honey can you help me down here?" my mom called from in the basement. Mom?! I ran down the stairs and when I saw her I wrapped my arms around her tightly. "Oh!" she laughed, "what has gotten into you?"

"You- you're here," I laughed with tears in my eyes, "you're okay?"

"Yes I'm okay why wouldn't I be?" she asked, "here take these to your room. They're clean." She held a stack of my laundry. I took them from her and headed upstairs to my room, setting them on my bed. How is this happening? How are they alive? I left my room again and headed outside. My entire pack was out there. I watched kids as they ran around, the hunters were just coming back from finding dinner.

"Justin!" my dad yelled, "over here!" I turned my head to see him standing there. I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around you.

"I missed you so much," I shook my head, "I don't know what the hell is going on but I missed you."

"Missed me?" he asked, "you just saw me a couple hours ago before you went and took a nap."

"What?" I asked, "you mean- I-- I've been dreaming? All of this has been a dream? Esme wasn't real?"

"Esme?" he asked, "who's Esme?"

"She--- was my girlfriend," I shook my head and looked at the ground, "what's happening?"

"Listen I don't know what you got into last night," he set his hand on my shoulder, "but I don't like it. Go inside and rest up some more, get your head straight." I looked at him for a few seconds before nodding my head and going inside. I'm so confused. I shut the front door behind me and that's when I heard it. I heard screams outside, gunshots. My mom ran up from the basement.

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