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I was back at the gate, standing in front of it. I slowly opened it and walked into the field. I saw all my ancestors.

"Welcome back Kira," a woman said, "we brought you here to talk."

"What about?" I asked, "I'm a little busy trying to save someone."

"Someone who has been dead for multiple hours," she spoke again, "how do you plan on reviving her?"

"I don't know," I shook my head, "I had a feeling. I had a feeling that I could sense her powers or something. I'm going to figure it out."

"She can't be brought back," another older witch said, "she's dead. Leave her soul to rest."

"No," I shook my head, "no. I am bringing her back and if you aren't going to help me then please let me get back to it."

"You're playing a dangerous game Kira," the woman spoke once more, "a very dangerous game. I suggest you be careful."

"Then help me," I said sternly, "if it's so dangerous, then help me."

"Bringing back a soul that is dead leaves a chance for that soul to morph into something else," she warned, "the chances with Grace are at 50%."

"Then as far as I'm concerned I have a 50% chance of getting HER, the real Grace back," I said, " I have to try."

"Oh dear child," she walked over to me, "please, do not try to raise the dead."

"She is all Justin has left," I sighed, "I know and understand that it isn't good but she's the only real family he has. If I can possibly bring her back, then I'm going to."

"Very well," the woman swung her hand and I woke back up in my own body. I jumped when I felt Jace right behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I heard a whisper in my head, "hold that thought." I waved my hands back over Grace and started to whisper, "Mauris sit animae corpori secum portant transmutatio portant idem. Mauris sit animae corpori secum portant transmutatio portant idem. Mauris sit animae corpori secum portant transmutatio portant idem!" All my candles went out and I watched as Grace sat up quickly, gasping for air.

"Grace?" I asked astounded, "Grace is it really you?"

"Kira?" she immediately started crying and I quickly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me.

"What the hell?" Jace asked, "Grace? Kira how did you? I have to go get Justin right now."

"Wait," I grabbed his hand, "hold on I have to make sure of something."

I grabbed Grace's hand and closed my eyes. I felt the tears swell in my eyes as I used my magic to heal her the rest of the way. Her heart beat was stronger than ever and she looked completely normal.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Well," I sighed, "I'll let Justin explain it okay? Let's just get you home." Jace picked her up and put her on his shoulders.

"How?" he asked.

"I don't know," I shook my head, "my ancestors pulled me to talk to me and then when they made me leave, I just heard this voice in my head telling me something so I started saying it and it just worked. I came here because I had a feeling, I felt like I could feel her, sense her. So I came here and I started trying to heal her, my ancestors weren't a fan but they... they helped me." I looked up at the morning sky and smiled, "they helped me bring her back."

"Bring me back?" Grace looked at me and asked, "wait- how did I get here? That man he had me and Justin." I looked over at Jace and he looked at me.

"We got your guys out," I smiled, "you've basically just been sleeping, Justin will explain more when we get home."

"Hey why isn't Justin here?" She asked more, "I'm so confused. My head hurts."

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride," Jace stated, "everything's fine. We're headed home and you'll see Justin." We walked in through the front door and Jace put Kira down.

"Justin!" I yelled, "come here please!" I could hear him sigh and stand from his bed.

He stormed out, "what?!" He gasped, "Grace? Ho- what?" He looked up at me and ran down the stairs faster than I could blink. He wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. She let out groans as he squeezed her to hug her.

"Oh my god I can't believe it," he put her down and stepped back, "is this real?"

"It's real man," Jace smiled, "she's here, in the flesh."

"Why are you acting so weird?" She turned to Justin, "what's the deal?" Justin shook his head and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you so much," he sniffled, "I don't know what or how but thank you so much. I expect to hear the story later but right now we need to sleep."

"You're welcome," I pulled away, "sweet dreams Justin." I watched as the two of them went upstairs. He walked into her room and I turned to Jace. He started smiling.

"You are an amazing woman," he stepped closer to me, "I am so incredibly blessed." He pressed his lips to mine and then kissed my forehead after, "thank you for coming back for me earlier, I honestly don't know what would have happened."

I smiled and hugged him tightly, "you do not need to thank me for being there for you."

"I have to," he shook his head, "I didn't know what was going to happen." I smiled again and kissed his forehead, pulling away and kissing his lips again.

"Come on," I intertwined our fingers, "lets go lay down." The two of us headed upstairs and to our room. We laid down in bed and I rolled on my side to face him. He did the same, his right hand sitting on my left hip. I slowly ran my fingers through his hair repeatedly. He closed his eyes and a smile appeared on his face. 

"I love you Jace Emerald," I whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you," he whispered back, "more than you know." I continued to run my fingers through his hair till he rolled over on his stomach. I proceeded to rub his back, massaging him slowly. 

"That feels so good," he said quietly. 

"Does it?" I giggled, "I'm glad it does." He slowly nodded his head and not long after he was sound asleep. "Goodnight baby," I kissed the back of his head and wrapped my arm around him, curling up behind him, holding him, "have sweet dreams." I snapped my fingers, the lights turned off. I shut my eyes and not long after I felt myself drift to sleep. 

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