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I woke up and looked around, when I noticed Jace was no longer in the bed I shot to my feet. I ran out of the room and down the stairs, "Jace?"

"Hey baby," he walked out from in the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around me, "how are you feeling?"

I started smiling as I hugged him back, "I'm okay, are you okay?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "yeah I'm okay. Come here, you hungry?"

I looked up at him, "I almost lost you."

"You won't lose me," he turned back to face me.

"But I almost did," I shook my head, "your heart, it stopped beating, I- I got you back obviously but Jace I almost lost you. Any longer and I don't think I would have been able to bring you back. I-"

"Hey," he grabbed my hands, "you brought me back, I'm here. I'm real and I'm right in front of you. Everything's okay, you got me."

"What if I didn't?" I asked, "what if I couldn't have gotten to you?"

"But you did," he kissed my forehead, "you did get to me. Don't worry about what might have happened if you didn't get to me Kira, focus on the right now. I'm okay." I looked up at him and set my hand on his cheek as I smiled a little, "now come here, you need to eat. You look way too pale right now."

I followed him into the kitchen and he handed me a plate of food. The two of us sat down and I started eating.

"Holy shit did you even chew?" he asked. I looked down and it was all gone. I looked back up at him and started laughing.

"I'm sorry," I shook my head, "I- do we have more?"

He started laughing and stood up while grabbing my plate. He put more food on it and handed it back to me, "all for you baby. Hey where is Justin and Grace?"

"Uhm Jessica told me that he left to get Grace before she left," I shook my head, "is he not back?"

"Not in the house anyways," he shook his head, "I can go out in the woods after this and look for them?"

"I'll give him a call," I smirked, "that way it's like two birds with one stone." He nodded and when I finished up my second plate, I grabbed his and started washing them. He walked up behind me and spun me around, kissing me. I instantly started smiling.

"I love you," he smiled, "I'll be back."

"I love you," I smiled. He walked out of the house and I grabbed my phone to call Justin. It went to voicemail immediately. "What the hell?" I asked, "okay, lets try again." I tried it again, same thing.

Me: Hey, just making sure everything is okay?

A few minutes later Jace walked in the door, "anything?"

"No," I shook my head, "it went straight to voicemail both times. I texted him but he hasn't answered yet."

"Weird," he sighed, "I don't think they're out in the woods. I couldn't catch a scent."

"They should have been home hours ago," I shook my head. I grabbed my phone again, calling the school.

"Hello Bedburg Elementary how can I help you?" the woman answered the phone.

"Hello this is Kira Delta, I was just calling to make sure Grace Flow was picked up today?"

"Sure just one second let me check for you," she said.

"Okay thanks," I sighed. She put me on hold and after a short while she got back on.

"Okay Kira are you still there?" she questioned.

Bedburg Hillsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن