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I've been traveling for a little over a week now, I'm sure Kira is freaking out but I have to find her. I could be going in the wrong direction completely but I can't give up, not when there is a voice in my head telling me to keep moving forward. I shifted back to a human and started making my way through the town of Mosco. 

I saw no cars, no people in sight. It looks like a ghost town. 

"Hello?" I said aloud while walking through the empty streets, "is anyone out here?" I walked into buildings and houses, looking for anyone who may be there but no one showed. "This is so weird," I pulled a refrigerator door open. The smell was horrid, I quickly shut the door and walked from the house. 

"Esme?" I turned in circles as soon as I caught her scent, "Esme!" The wind was blowing towards me so I walked against it, her scent got stronger. I walked into the woods, jumping and hiding behind a tree after seeing another gathering berries and other fruits. I slowly made my way behind them, snapping their neck. I laid them on the ground slowly and continued through the woods. 

I walked upon a small village. I saw multiple small houses and people walked around and laughed together. I followed her smell to a house all the way in the back of the town, village thing. I walked up a backdoor and listened. 

"You like that!" I heard a man yelling, "you obey me now! YOU belong to me!" I heard her cries and felt like a bomb, I barged through the door. 

"Get away from her!" I roared out, "right now!" I slammed my hands against my chest, walking towards him, "get off of her!" I roared again. He stumbled while walking backwards, I grabbed his head and got close to his face. "You obey me now!" I screamed in his face. I grabbed his head and lifted him to his feet, throwing him through a wall. I turned around and ran to Esme, unchaining and untying her body. I pulled the metal contraption from her mouth. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she started crying into my shoulder. I felt my knees hit the ground as I held her body close to mine again. "I've got you," I whispered, "you're safe. I've got you."

"How did you find me?" she bawled into me, "how did you get here?" 

"I will always find you if you're away," I picked her up, "lets get you out of here." I walked out of the door and bee lined into the trees as I heard people rushing through the front door of the house. 

"I'm sorry," she shook her head, "I- I couldn't fight them. I wasn't st- strong enough." 

"Don't say sorry," I shook my head at her, "you have nothing to be sorry for." I held her close to my body as I could. "How are you feeling?" I asked her, "I know you're cold. I can tell, I'm working on that. What did they do to you?" 

"They- I can't," she shook her head, "I can't talk about it right- right now." Her body jolted and she grabbed her side while crying out. I stopped and set her on the ground, laying her flat. I slowly lifted the ripped shirt she was wearing to reveal a large gash. 

"You aren't healing," I shook my head, "why aren't you healing?" 

"I don't know," she shook her head, "I-" Her voice cut off and she started to breathe differently. 

"Okay," I nodded anxiously, "lets get you home. We have to go right now. This isn't good." 


I laid down in the cave, the blood was flowing from my side. I heard the yelling behind me slowly closing in. I pressed my shirt firmly against the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. 

"Come on!" they yelled, "he went this way!" I slowly got myself to my feet and started running again.

"There!" another yelled. I heard the gunshots and felt the bullets whizzing by me. I ducked and ran behind a tree. 

"Ah!" I cried out, "come on get out!" I stuck my fingers into the gunshot wound to try and find the bullet that didn't find it's way out. 

"Come on guys!" they yelled while running towards me. I was breathing heavily and losing a lot of blood. I shifted and jumped out at them, roaring loudly. They drew their guns, firing repeatedly. I jumped up into the tree and landed behind them. Massacring most of the group. I felt another bullet hit my shoulder, knocking me backwards. I stood and started running again. 

I found another area to hide in. I slowly walked into the covered area and sat down. 

I miss her.

I want her back but god I can't go back knowing what I did to her. 

She would never forgive me. 

She's probably happy I'm gone, she wouldn't want to see me.

I reached into my shoulder, slowly pulling the bullet out and throwing it in the grass. I reached back into my stomach to find the other. I cried out as I gripped onto it and tried to pull it from me. It slipped from my fingers. I pulled my hand out and slumped over, covering the wound with my hand.

I watched as the snow started to fall on the ground and the wind picked up. I curled into a ball and closed my eyes. 

"Jace no!" Jessica screamed at me, "Jace!" I looked back to see Kiras face gashed and bleeding. I shifted and wrapped her in my arms. 

"Kira!" I cried out, "no! I'm so sorry! Kira wake up! Baby wake up!" I tried to shake her but when she didn't move, I ran. 

I shot up, breathing heavily. The owls hooted outside and other creatures moved on the ground. I haven't eaten since that day, my body has rejected anything and every thing I've tried to put in it. I felt like I was going to die, I kinda want to honestly. I have nothing here for me.

"I'm so sorry Kira," I wept, "I'm so sorry!" I threw a punch into the rock, pieces of it landing on me. I leaned my head against the wall and sighed, running my hands through my hair. I can't believe I let that happen. I winced, grabbing the hole that was still gushing blood. 

Why didn't I stop?

Why did I run to her? I was running towards the witch. I swore I was. 

Why would I hurt her? 

She doesn't deserve me. She doesn't need me in her life, I'm too dangerous for her. She doesn't need someone like me in her life. 

"Jace?" I suddenly heard Kira, "Jace! Jace is that you?!" I rolled slowly and tried to crawl towards the opening, trying to look for her, find her. "Baby!" I heard her yell again. 

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