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Esme was showering and I decided to go talk to Kira. Jace was in their room, Grace was in hers. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

"Yeah," she nodded, "what's up?"

"How do you feel about her?" I sighed, "do you like her? I feel like you don't."

"Esme?" she turned around, "no I like her. She's saved you, she earned our respect."

"What will happen if you are sisters?" I looked down, "will we have to... breakup?" She spun and looked at me again.

"No," she shook her head, "it won't change anything." Well, that made me feel better.

"Uhm so you know how we went to the cave?" I asked, "I took her there because I had this horrible infection right here." I lifted my shirt, "what the hell? It's coming back? She got it all out though."

"Got what all out?" She made her way to me, looking at my side.

"When they took me they were giving me injections of something," I shook my head, "I don't know what. Maybe a tranquilizer? I don't know. It would make me pass out and when I woke up, I'd remember nothing from the time I was stuck with the needle till I woke up."

"And she got it out by using magic," she clarified, "that's how you found out."

"Well kinda," I sighed. She snapped her attention to me. "I asked her to heal me and she was super reluctant but I just had this feeling that she could," I explained, "but anyways her eyes glazed over right, typical witch thing so I kinda figured what it was. And then whenever she woke up she told me that they were calling her Rose? I-"

"Rose?" she cut me off, "they were calling her Rose?" I nodded my head and she grabbed her phone quickly and pressing it to her ear. 

What is the problem?

"Jess?" she spoke, "hey I have a question." 

"Yeah?" I heard her ask. 

"Earlier when you did the bloodline spell what did you hear?" she questioned, "Alaric, my mom and dads name, tri-bred-"

"And Rose," Jessica cut her off, "Rose was the other word I heard, it was the only one that didn't make sense." 

"I think that was her original name," she said, "I think her original name was Rose. When her and Justin went out, the coven spoke to her again and they were calling her Rose." 

"Seriously?" Jess questioned, "I can try and do some digging when I get home. I can ask my mom?" 

"No," Kira shook her head, "don't tell anyone. Your coven killed my parents, I got lucky with your mom because I'd be dead too if it weren't for her. What's to say they won't come after us again?"

"I won't let them hurt you guys," she assured, "I won't. My mom won't let them either." 

"We can't risk it," Kira stuck to her word, "don't tell anyone. I'm going to try and figure out as much as I can." She pulled the phone away from her ear and hung up. "Okay, so Rose was her name. Maybe I can get ahold of my coven or something. Talk to them. Something, anything."

"Is that a good idea?" I asked, "I mean you have the same coven right? Since your sisters?" She sat down on the chair and sighed loudly. 

"You're right," she ran her hands through her hair, "it might just cause more problems." I felt bad. I know it's stressing her out, I can tell, I can smell it on her. She stood up and headed to the computer on the other side of the room. I walked over and watched. 

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