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I woke up, I felt the blood running down my face. 

"It's been one whole month today Kira!" John walked into the room, "how are you feeling today?" 

"Wh- what are you do- doing to me?" I asked groggily. 

"It's crazy that none of them have come for you," he got in my face, "a whole month and you are still here. Still alive. We've had some close calls, but you haven't failed me yet. I have a surprise for you later, you won't believe who's back from the dead."

I looked around slowly, my vision was severely blurred. 

"Her vitals are low," a woman said, "but she's stable." 

"Let's give her a few hours," Ron said, "let her recuperate and then we will start the wound tests." 

I felt a few people grab me and drag me to a pole. I felt them tie my hands with rope and a few seconds later I felt my body be lifted in the air. My feet could barely touch the ground, only my toes. 

"Do you want us to speed up recovery?" the woman asked him. 

"Sure," Ron stood in front of me, "put her on fluids and I will be back in a couple hours." 


I walked to the fridge and grabbed a water, sitting on the couch. I felt the anger rising as I decided to go out to my cave. I ran there and once I got there, I started to shift. I went out into the woods and started hunting. After a few deer, I hauled them back to my cave. I dug into them. I heard leaves crunching in the woods and I stood slowly, I walked to the edge of the cave. 

"Jace?" Justin mind linked, "you out here? I smell the deer blood. It's just me. It's Justin." 

I stood down and he walked into the cave. We shifted back to humans. 

"Jace," he sighed, "come on man. You can't keep doing this. Kira will be pissed if she gets home and all the deer are gone." 

"What if she isn't coming home?" I asked, "what then? Ron almost killed me last time!" 

"Ron did kill my family!" He yelled, "all of them! I have no one! She is alive! Jessica can still find her location."

"For how long?" I stood up, "how much longer are we going to wait around huh? She's the only person I have Justin! If I lose her, I lose everything." 

I felt him hug me, "we will get her out but we have to be ready. We have to have a plan. There are so many people in there and they are powerful. They will take us all out in seconds. Now come on, Alex and Jessica are on their way and I have to go to school."

He pulled away and the two of us carried the deer out of the cave and to the house. We packaged them up and tossed them in the freezer before heading upstairs. Justin left for school and a few minutes later, Jessica and Alex pulled into the driveway. Alex's birthday was last week, his dad gave him the car. 

"Dude," Alex sighed, "you need sleep." 

"No," I shook my head, "what I need is her back. What I need is her safe."

"We will get her back Jace," Jessica said gently, "we will. I'm working on heavy mind teleportation. I'm trying to get her back."

"Teleportation?" I asked, "like portal to her and back? Is that even a thing?" 

"I mean I can visit any year of my life," she smiled, "my past lives. Witches can die but they are usually reborn. I have supposedly died many times, and I am just finding out about it. I'm working on it, I know this will work." 

I shook my head and sat on the couch. I put my hands in my hair and let out a loud sigh. Suddenly my body slouched over and everything went black. 


"Somnum," I waved my hand in front of Jace. He fell over onto the couch. 

"What did you do?" Alex asked. 

"I made him go to sleep," she sighed, "he will wake up when his body has had enough."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" he questioned. 

"No," I shook my head, "but he hasn't slept. He's been thinking about her non-stop and it's making him lash out. He needs sleep, rest. Plus, I am going to keep trying to work on my teleporting. I'm getting better and I keep it open longer but not long enough."

"You can do it," he grabbed my hand, "hey look at me. Breathe okay? Keep focus, we will save her and she will be okay." 

"Yes but what then?" I shook my head, "we get her back and they come for her again?"

"She's strong," he shook his head, "she's alive still. We can handle anything but right now we can not focus on what's to come. You need to focus on right now, and right now, we need to get her out of there. For her, for us, and especially for him. He's, I don't know, I have never seen him so distraught in my life." 

"He loves her," I sighed as I looked over at him, "he loves her a lot."

He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I grabbed his hand and looked at him before kissing him. 

"I love you," I whispered, "I really do."

He sat back and a huge smile spread across his face, "really? Oh- I- uh- I love you too. Oh my god you actually said it?" He wrapped his arms around me, "I was scared you didn't. I know I haven't said it, I'm too chicken." I laughed and kissed his forehead again. 

"Do you think we could get something to eat?" I asked, "maybe you could run out somewhere and come back?" 

"Of course, what's sounds good?" he asked, "Pattsies?" 

"Yes!" I exclaimed, "a cookie dough milkshake please!"

"You got it baby," he kissed me as he stood up, "I'll be back. Stay here, stay safe." 

I nodded and he walked out the front door. I heard his car start and he left. I looked over at Jace, "I promise I will get her out. I will." I stood back and thought of the warehouse, "portal ad me propter me." 

I watched as the rift was made and the building appeared. I continued to pull my hands farther apart, making the portal larger. It closed and a gust of wind swept by. 

"Damnit," I shook my head, "what can I do? How can I make my connection stronger?" I looked around for while but came across nothing. Alex walked into the house carrying a couple boxes. He set them on the counter and I walked over to him, "thank you," I placed a kiss on his cheek, "this looks so yummy!" 

He smiled and the two of us started to eat. I racked my brain to try and figure out a way to both make the portal areas larger and last longer. I am just at a loss and time, it doesn't stop. 

Kira please be okay. We are coming for you. I am coming for you. I love you and I miss you so much. 

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