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I woke up and started to look around. The room was dark, a single light was on and it was above me. I was laying on a table, my hands tied down and my ankles tied down. I felt something heavy around my head, like a headband. Anytime I tried to sit up, it zapped my head. 

I heard a clicking sound coming towards me, "hello Jace." Kira stood beside me. 

"Kira," I said, "thank god you're here. I don't know-"

She covered my hand with her mouth, "shhhh. No talking." She grabbed a piece of tape and set it over my mouth. I started pulling at the ropes. I have to be dreaming, I have to be. All of a sudden, I felt a pinch in my arm. I looked and saw Kira attaching a syringe to a drip. I closed my eyes as she traced her hands up and down my body. I felt a light stinging and then my body started to sweat. 

"My oh my," she smirked, "Ron will be so pleased with this."

I heard the doors open again, footsteps coming towards me. Ron stood above me. 

"Well," he smiled, "what a surprise right? Kira is here, she's well, taking care of you. How are you feeling Jace? Any good? We're going to change that." 

He walked over and grabbed a scalpel, he handed it to Kira. 

"I have to run some errands," he said, "she's going to be here with you. I'll be back soon. Kira, don't kill him quite yet. Atleast wait till I'm back."

"Yes," she nodded, "of course."

I was so confused. My heart felt like it was going to jump from my chest. Why is she doing this?

I brought her here as a spy

Ron's voice kept replaying in my head. I looked back at she and she walked behind my head. She grabbed a wire and started to fidget it with the metal contraption. She walked away for a few minutes, I heard a beeping and then a vibration around my head. I felt something touch the side of my head, it was spinning. It kept pushing harder and harder. 

I let out a shout as I felt it continue to push harder against my skull. It stopped and she peeled off the tape. 

"Kira why are you doing this?" I asked, "please stop doing this. Whatever he did to you, please, I will make him pay for it. Please just let me out." I listened to her heart beat, it was steady but it didn't sound normal. It sounded... different.

"Can't do that Jace," she started to smile, "I'm under strict orders. I always have been." 

"This entire time?" I asked, "you've almost died! Multiple times. You mean to tell me that it's been fake?"

"I've been asked to keep you alive," she put the tape back over my mouth. I started to shake my head and shout, "but now we have you back here. He called me back here. It's time to finally just stop saving you. I was getting so tired of saving you." 

I closed my eyes as her words pierced my heart. She pressed a button and it started turning again. I felt another make contact and then the first one broke skin. I yelled out in pain. 

"Do you feel that?" she asked, "that is drilling into your skull Jace. We are going to be testing and examining your brain. Isn't that fu-"

"Hold on Kira!" Ron walked into the building, "just a moment. Shut it down, shut it down." He walked up onto the platform and stood beside me, "I saw you yesterday, freeing children. Isn't that sweet of you?" I glared at him as he walked around me, "how pathetic. I was in on that gig and the payout was so sweet. But guess what? Who ruined it? You and your friends." I watched him grab a knife from his pocket and he slammed it through my hand into the table. I screamed out. "You thought you were so clever!" he walked slowly around me, "You thought you could save the day and don't get me wrong, you basically did, but the queen ended up dead. You have failed me, over and over Jace Emerald. Every day I am thankful that I didn't change your last name to mine because what a disgrace you would be on my family!" He slammed another through my other hand. I screamed out again and felt the tears build in my eyes. I felt them start to glow and he started to laugh. He grabbed the wand next to him and set it against the knife in my hand. The electric surged through it, entering my body. I screamed out more, "you are so pathetic! Look at you! Crying! Oh and Kira, I completely forgot to ask your thoughts about this. Isn't it nice? Everyone together in one place?" He pulled her over to him and handed her the wand, "do it."

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