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I took Grace to school, Justin and Esme are still upstairs sleeping. I started cleaning up the house and put together some breakfast for the two of them. Before long Justin was walking out slowly and stretching his arms out. 

"Morning," he yawned. 

"Goodmorning," I said, "sleep okay?"

"Amazing," he nodded, "so much better than I think I ever have."

"And Esme?" I looked up at him. 

"She's still sleeping," he nodded, "she's tired. She needs it."

"Did she drink all of those?" I asked. 

"Sure did," he nodded, "hey where were you guys earlier? I heard you guys leave in a rush." 

"Well about that," I sat down, "someone put a picture of Esme in the police station mail box. T-"

"WHAT?" he cut me off, "how is that possible!" 

"Hold on," I said calmly, "Alex called Jace so Jace woke me up and we went to Alex's house immediately. I told his dad what I was, well, kinda. I told him I was a witch and that Esme was a vampire. He doesn't know about you. He left and after a little while he asked for all of us to come to the station." His eyes were basically bulging from his head in fear, "the FBI was on the way and reporters were already there. We went into his office and I was trying to hard to make him believe me about what happened to her but it was like he wouldn't at first. Then Jace stepped in, then Jessica, and finally Alex told him what he was too. We arrested all of them, they're all at the jail right now. I was able to reset all their phones, they won't have any pictures on there anymore and they will be put away, hopefully for a long time." 

He jumped forward and wrapped his arms around me, "thank you. Thank you for protecting her, seriously. Thank you."

"We have to be careful," I sighed, "I don't know if it's on the internet or anything yet but we have to be careful. We have to be. There is a huge chance that a huge target was just put on all of our backs. You should be in the clear for now, but for the rest of us, it's a chance."

"What do we need to do then?" he asked, "what cautions do we need to take?" 

"We just, I don't know," I shook my head, "I really don't. We just have to be more careful all the way around. Esme, she can't be seen in public for a while. We don't know how big this could get. We have to be careful." He nodded again and pulled out his phone. He started looking around and when he spit out his drink I knew it wasn't good. 

"Kira," he said, "it's on facebook. Kids at school, they're sharing it all around." I stood quickly and grabbed his phone, scrolling through his posts. 

"Oh my god," I tossed it back to him, "this isn't good. Start reporting them, try and get them taken down, all of them." I turned and headed up the stairs, opening the door, "Jace, baby where are you?" 

"In the shower," he said aloud, "everything okay?" 

"It's on the internet," I stressed, "her picture, it's online." I heard the water shut up and he scurried about on the other side of the door. 

"What?" He opened it. 

"Esme," I explained, "it's on the internet. Kids at school are sharing it and commenting. I don't know what to do." 

"Well I don't know," he shook his head, "we have to try and get it down. Is there a way we can do that?" Suddenly by body stiffened and my eyes glazed over. I was standing in the woods, looking over a field. I saw people walking onto it, they were armed with guns and other tools. I saw torches on fire, they were screaming, chanting. 

"Kill them"

"You can't hide"

"Face us!" 

There were so many things. I turned my head and watched as we all walked out. Me, Jace, Alex, Jess, Esme and Justin. I started trying to run down there, "stop! Stop! Wait!" It felt like every step I took, the farther they got from me. Everyone started running at each other and snapped back to reality. 

"Kira?" he shook me. 

"Yeah?" I jumped awake, "yeah? Sorry, I had- I had a vision." I felt my eyes blinking repeatedly, trying to make sense of everything I just saw.

"What happened?" he questioned. 

"A fight," I looked to his eyes, "a huge fight. There is no way it ends good. There were so many people against us. Jace we have to do something right now." Before he could say anything I ran out of the bedroom and back downstairs, "what's going on?" 

"I've reported seven so far," Justin nodded, "I haven't seen any others yet. Hopefully I got them all."

"I hope so," I sighed. I walked over and sat at the counter, grabbing my phone. 

Me: Jessica, the pictures are on the internet. 

Jess: I know I was literally 10 seconds away from texting you. I've seen it a few times. I just reported it, hopefully it'll get taken down.

Me: Do you have any ideas on what might help with it?

Jess: No, I have no idea. I don't think there are any spells for anything wide spread like this. The only thing I think we can do is keep trying to get them taken down. 

Me: Okay, if you think of anything else, please let me know.

Jess: Of course, you do the same. 

I set my phone on the counter. 

"Another one," Justin said aloud, "reported." I heard footsteps upstairs and then watched as Esme walked out from his room softly. He snapped his head towards her and stood, making his way to her. He grabbed her hand and the two of them walked back to his room. I guess he's going to get her up to date on everything going on.

Jace walked out of our room and down the stairs, making his way to me and kissing my head, "everything will be okay. We will figure it out my love." I nodded my head and looked down at the ground, contemplating everything. The things I saw, they scared me, made me nervous. We won't be able to compete with that many people. 

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