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"Get off of me!" I tried to break the chains around my wrists. The bag was pulled from my face and I could see. They had all of us... they managed to get all of us. Alex, Jess, Kai, Rowan, Justin and me... the only ones not here are Grace, Kira and Jace. I looked around slowly at how everything was set up. They had these pieces of chain link fence, roughly 8ft by 8ft squares. Each of us were either chained or heavily zip tied to the fence by our hands and ankles. 

"Where the hell are we?" Alex said groggily, "what- what happened?" 

"They lived," I murmured, "Falco and Cassie. They're here." Shortly after the others all started to wake up, except Rowan. We could hear him breathing though so we atleast knew he was alive. I heard the doors open and Cassie walked in front of us. 

"How is everyone feeling?" she asked while smiling, "anyone want to share?" 

"What the hell are we doing here?" Justin tried to break the zipties. Cassie walked to him. 

"I remember you," she got close to his face, "you've killed a few of my witches. One of which was a daughter of mine. You remember her!" She quickly pulled something from her back pocket and hit Justins side. He cried out and I watched the blood start to pour from his side. Instantly I could smell the chemicals, a mix of wolfsbane and something else....

"STOP!" I screamed, "Justin!" 

"Doesn't feel good does it?" Cassie asked him, "I wonder how it felt when you pulled her head from her shoulders!" She shoved the knife back into him again. His body tensed up and his head fell forward. She took a few steps back and looked at all of us. "We are done playing games here," she announced, "we tried with Kira but she is proving difficult. She keeps getting away. So, we moved on to the people she cares about. We-"

"Why do you want Kira so bad?" Kai cut her off, "I mean why do you want her?" 

"Because she is special," Cassie walked to him, "she has the ability to do what none of us can do. We need that gene from her and with the way things work, it'll come out in a specific batch of her magic. Once it's out, it's ours. We can duplicate it... make an entire-"

"Cassie!" Falco yelled across the room, "enough!" She made her way beside Cassie, turning and looking at all of us. "It's nice to see everyone together," she nodded, "we still have to get Jace and Grace but we have people on the way to get them now." 

"I swear to god if you hurt her," Justin winced. He still wasn't healing, his blood was starting to puddle on the floor. 

"Quiet," Falco pointed at him, "boil." Just like that his body started to turn red and Justin was tensed up tightly. He was trying to arch his body but he couldn't move anymore. He started to sweat profusely, out of every pore. 

"Stop!" I cried out, "stop! Please stop!" Falco turned and looked at me, breaking her connection with Justin. She walked closer to me, looking me over. 

"You're brave," she smirked, "you're fiery. I like that about you." Suddenly I felt a connection again, with Kira. I broke my eye contact with her and started to look around. Where is she? Did she just wake up or something? "Hey," Falco snapped, "pay attention."

"To what," I snapped, "you? No thanks." She chuckled and took a couple steps back. She held her hand out to me. 

"Drown," she glared. Suddenly I started to cough but couldn't breathe. Water started coming up and splashing on the ground. After about a minute it stopped and I could breathe again, I was basically gasping for air trying to catch myself back up. "Quiet," Just like that I couldn't talk anymore, neither could any of the others, "Who's the weakest one here?" she stood straight and turned in circles looking at each of us. I looked at Rowan, he was still knocked out. Falco looked in his direction and walks over to him. Kai started trying to break the chains around him as she got closer. She stuck out her hand and I watched her nail grow about two inches, they looked like talons. She placed it on his chest and started to cut down his stomach. His head shot up and he tried to cry out as his skin separated. I watched as Kais cries and pleads were muffled behind his lips. When Falco finished the cut, it bled profusely down his body. I had to look away, it was heartbreaking to me. He isn't going to just heal...

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