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I walked upstairs and sat on the bed. I looked around at everything before laying down and closing my eyes.

Me and my pack all gathered at the cabin near our pond. We were laying my grandmother to rest today. I am not ready for it.

"Okay Justin," my mom walked over to me, "lets get everyone settled outside so we can start."

I nodded and walked out to our pack, "guys! Listen up! Everyone gather in lines!" I shouted, "We will bring her out momentarily."

I watched as they split into two lines, leaving a path down the middle. I walked back in and grabbed the corner of the board before lifting. Me, my mom, and my dad all walked out with her and walked down the aisle between the lines. I felt the tears swell in my eyes as we laid her on the water. We set fire to her body and pushed her off the grass line and then we all set back to howl.

Just then rustling of leaves happened all around us. I watched as red dots appeared all over my body and everyone elses.

"Get down!" I screamed, "everyone run!"

Shots were fired and I watched as everyone around me scrambled like roaches. I watched my family drop to the ground.

"Mom!" I screamed out, "dad! Where are you!"

"Justin run!" my dad roared as he jumped in front of me. I watched the bullet hit his chest and I watched him hit the ground. It was like slow motion.

"Dad!" I screamed, "dad get up! Dad no!"

"J-Justin," he coughed, "Justin run. Get out of here!"

I looked around frantically, listening to the gun shots, the screams and the overall chaos that was happening around me. I took off into the woods and just ran straight. I ran until I couldn't hear the guns anymore. I looked all around me, my heart racing made me feel sick.

I woke up in a fright, my clothes were soaked as was my skin and hair. I looked at the clock.

3:21 a.m.

I laid back down after letting out a loud sigh, "just a nightmare Justin. Just a nightmare. Well kind of a nightmare."

Is it considered a nightmare if the nightmare happened?

After what felt like an eternity of sitting still I heard Jace and Kira's alarms start going off. I stood and put my clothes on and then headed downstairs. I know Jace doesn't trust me, I can sense it all over him. It makes me mad.

I don't want to fight but sometimes I can't control myself. I heard their door open and the two of them walked out and down the stairs.

"Goodmorning," Kira said cheerfully.

"Goodmorning," I nodded, "how are you guys?"

"We're good," Kira nodded, "it was a long night but we're good. Ready for school this morning?"

"Yeah," I looked down, "kind of."

"What school did you go to before?" she questioned more.

I sighed, "I actually didn't go to a school. My mom homeschooled me and the rest of the pups, well kids."

"There were other children?" she asked, "siblings?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "there was a lot of us. None were my blood siblings technically. We were related because of the pack but I was the only one my mom and dad have."

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