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The curtain was drawn back again and the rays of the sun scorched my skin. I clenched my fists as I tried not to cry out. 

"Your friends aren't even looking for you," Cassie walked out in front of me as she closed the curtains, "your friends don't care about you. I'm going to pick them off, one by one. Justin, Jace... oh.. maybe Rowan can be next." 

"When I get out of here I am going to rip out your throat," I said angrily as I looked up at her, "they're coming for me. They'll figure it out!" I tried to break the chains around my wrists but nothing was working. I don' t know how long I've been here, a day or two maybe. This feels like its been going on for a long long time.

"Well good luck with that," she pulled them back again, "hows Jessica doing by the way? Talked to her?" Instantly I felt a rage I couldn't explain. 

"You don't get to say her name!" I screamed out, "you don't get to talk about her!" 

"Yeah I heard about the sad news," she closed them and walked around in front of me, "that's too bad." 

"What did you do?" I hung my head low, "how are you pack here? Kira- Kira sent you away."

"She did," Cassie nodded as she knelt down in front of me, "and I was summoned back. Kira may have been able to take my magic but she couldn't take the ancestors from me. She killed Falco, now Jazz is dead. I was brought back here, told if I did as they asked my powers will be restored. I'll be stronger. I'll be able to take her down and then I can be free." 

"What do you mean free?" I asked, "who is freeing you?"

"That I can't say," she got close to my face, and I mean centimeters away, "I have something for you." She turned around and opened the door, leaving the room. I could hear my phone ringing as she shut the door. 

"Let me out of here!" I screamed, "let me go!" I heard footsteps approach the door and when it opened my jaw dropped. "Jess?" I asked as tears filled my eyes, "Jess what are you doing here? You're okay?" She walked up to me slowly and bent down in front of me, "come on Jess, help me out of here. Cassie, she's back. She's here. She-"

"I know," she smiled, "why do you think I'm down here. I do what she says now." 

"What?" I asked confused as she stood up and walked behind me, "what do you mean? You do-" I felt the sun touch my skin and I arched my body as much as I could. I cried out as it scorched my  body. I felt like I was on fire. They shut and she walked back in front of me. She looked at me for a few seconds before pulling a water bottle out of her back pocket. 

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," she said, "you give me what I want, I'll do the same. In little increments of course." 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, "what did she do to you?" 

"She saved me," she smiled, "made me realize what I really need to do." She quickly grabbed my jaw, opening my mouth and pouring the water into my mouth. That's when I realized it wasn't water. It was vervain... I started coughing it up violently. "Now," she said, "tell me about Kira."

"You know Kira," I spit while trying to catch my breath, "she's your best friend." 

"I'm no friend with monsters," she held her hand up, "open." I felt my mouth open again and she poured more down my throat. It was like acid being dumped into me. "You and your friends are abominations. You shouldn't be alive. And Kira, her the biggest of all. With Esme dead there's only two of-"

"Esme's dead?" I gagged, "what happened! What did you do!" 

"I didn't do anything," she smirked, "I just watched."

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