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"Kira!" I screamed, "Kira!" I stood and spun around, running as fast as I could back to her. I leapt turned, ripping the head from one of the people. I picked up another in my mouth, spinning and chucking him into another group. It took them all down.

Kira threw her hands forward and I watched as fire erupted from them. That's pretty neat, I admit that. I ran towards her and turned, watching as it made a wall in front of us.

"Where's Esme?" She asked.

"She- she passed out," I linked with her.

Her eyes widened, "take me to her." I nodded and started running, she followed beside me. Once she caught her scent, she ran ahead. I got there and they were already gone. I stopped and turned around, looking back towards the fire. I could see it through the trees.

I want to go back. I want to go back and just raise hell, go crazy. I grunted and ran towards the house, shifting back to a human and running in the back door. "Where is she!" I yelled.

"Justin!" Kira cried from downstairs, "Justin call Jessica! Call her right now!" I grabbed my phone but it fumbled in my hands as I dialed her number.

"Hello?" She answered.

"J-Jessica?" I stuttered, "we need you right now! Right now!"

"What's going on?" She asked, "I'm at dinner."

"Kira said to- to call you," I shook my head, "Esme she- she was pro- protecting me and got shot I don't know how- how many times. Please." I could feel the tears in my eyes as the anticipation was what's to come started to weigh on me.

"Okay," she nodded, "alright. We're on the way, we have to pay but we'll be there soon."

"Thank you," I nodded. I hung up the phone and grabbed the I.V.s that still stood in the living room from me and her. I took them downstairs.

"Thank god," she grabbed them, "thank god toy grabbed these. Is she coming?"

"Yeah," I nodded. She was lying on the table, lifeless. I grabbed her hand and pressed it to my lips, holding it there, "please don't die. Please don't die on me. Please don't die." The door opened and Jace came running down the stairs.

"What is going on?" He asked, "Kira we were just napping. What the hell happened?"

"Those hunters," I shook my head, "they set up frequency stakes to draw me in and she stopped me. She stopped a lot a things from happening to me today."

"The ones that took her?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Baby what do you need?"

"A miracle," she ran around. I watched as a purple rift appeared in thin air and before long Jessica was stepping though with Alex. Their eyes widened.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I'll explain later," Kira shook her head, "we need candles put out and blood of each of you in a separate glass. You three, go upstairs and do it now." I ran upstairs to do as she said, cutting my hand and allowing it to drip into the glass. It healed and I did it again. Jace came up and did it as well, eventually Alex got around to it. We handed the cups to her. "Jace and Alex please go," Kira asked politely, "Justin stand in front of her so she can sense you easier and hold our hands. Jess, hold my hand and hold his." The two of us nodded and we held hands.

Jessica and Kira started, "perspicuus." Esme body became completely transparent. I could se the bullets lodged in her body. Kira grabbed a pair of long tong and made incisions above where each bullet was, sticking the tongs through and pulling the bullets out carefully.

"Why isn't her heart beating?" I asked frantically, "no! No no! Esme!"

"Justin calm down," Kira shook her head, "calm down. Hold on. Don't freak out yet." My heart was racing and I could feel the sweat building on my hands.

They continued, "hoc sana vulnus exitiale. hoc sana vulnus exitiale." I watched as her body started to glow. Her organs started to heal and the incisions disappeared.

"Come on," she whispered, "come on start beating again." She put her hands together and started to push down above her heart, "Come. On. Esme. Beat!"

"Kira?" I felt the tears swell in my eyes, "why isn't it working?"

"I don't know," she shook her head, "it should be working. Come on girl, fight it!" She continued to push on her chest, trying to kickstart her heart.

"Come on Esme," I pressed my forehead to hers, "come on. Please don't leave me. Please fight, come back." Her and Jessica continued to try different spells. "Come on!" I cried, "wake up! Wake up god damnit! Esme please!" I stood around for a couple more minutes and the more they tried the less hope I was having. I took off up the stairs, running through the house.

"Justin?" Jace asked, "hey! Wait!" His voice faded in the distance as I ran out the back door. I started running through the woods, straight to her home. I got there and walked over to the waterline, sitting down and staring at my reflection. My eyesight was blurry from the tears. I dove into the water, swimming under and back up and pulled myself out.

"Why!" I screamed, "no! No! This isn't happening! No!" I could feel everything trying to escape. I turned around and punched the wall, listening to the crumbs of rock land by my feet. I hit it again and again. My knuckles started to bleed and by then I was out of breath. I leaned against the wall and slid down. The tears continuously running from my eyes, "why did this happen? God Justin you can't do anything right! You can't do anything right! You let her get hurt! Again! What good are you! God I'm so- so worthless." My head dropped. 

The time passed and I sat in the corner, listening to the water as it pooled out. Suddenly my body started to burn and I cried out as I grabbed at my chest, ripping my shirt. I saw a line of fire red and orange running from my neck to my belly button. 

What the hell is going on?

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