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"Kira don't come near me," I growled as I stood, "stay away from me."

"Come here," she walked up to the cage, "you won't hurt me. You know that, now come here." 

She smiled and I felt my eyes start to glow, "you lied to me, betrayed me, used me! I don't want to hurt you, you need to get away. You have-

She started to walk away and all the lights shut off. 

"Kira?" I asked. 

I felt something go around my neck and it tightened. My back hit the bars and I roared out. I jerked forward as I felt my body start to shift. 

"Now!" I heard Ron start yelling, "Kira right now!"

I suddenly felt something launch into me, I yelped and then fell to the ground. The cage door opened and I was dragged out. They wrapped two chains around my neck, tying the other ends onto the posts that stood on either side of me. Each paw had chains wrapped around them My waist was setup the same way my neck was. I had a steel plate that wrapped around my nose muzzle, it was fastened along my neck. 

"Wow!" Ron walked over to me smiling, "what a sight! A wolf that is now stuck in wolf form. This is amazing isn't it Kira?"

I growled as she walked over in front of me. She set her hand on me, tracing it along my fur, "what do we do now?"

"Well now we test on him in this form," he said, "we will match the results and see what we get."

She nodded, "what do I start on first sir?"

"Start on the venoms," he said, "use the Kampe first, then the Quanlier, then come get me and I will decide what to try next." She nodded her head once and he walked closer to me, "at first I thought she was going rogue on me Jace. I really thought she had feelings for you." He grabbed the steel muzzle and smiled. He turned and walked away, the doors shut behind him. Kira walked around me and back to the front of me. 

She set her hand on my face and I shook my head. She pulled it away quickly and smiled while turning her head, "ready Jace?" 

I growled at her as she injected the Kampe venom into my body. After a few minutes I felt my body start to get drowsy. My legs got weak and I fell. The chains tightened around my neck and waist. I kept trying to put weight on my legs but I couldn't. It started to become hard to breathe. 

Kira walked over and sat down next to me, she set her hand under me. I started to growl as she lifted her arm, lifting me up. My breathing went back to normal and I glared at her. 

"I will help you Jace," she whispered, "but this first."

She pulled her hand away, causing me to fall and chains to tightened almost immediately. She walked around me for awhile with a clipboard, she would take my blood, she'd pick out random pieces of fur. Once I was able to start standing and putting weight on my legs she walked back over. 

"Hmm," she said gently, "that's weird. The same dose affects you two hours longer in human form than it does wolf form. Interesting."

I growled at her as she walked up to me with another syringe of green liquid. I felt her push it into my skin. I felt this immense pain surging through my body. I started crying out as it felt like every cell in me was exploding. 


I heard the cries coming from inside the building and started running that way. I opened the doors, Jace was wailing himself around, screaming out. He started to shift back into a human and I made my way to him. 

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