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"Okay," he whispered as he slowly set me down in the tub, "lets get you washed up." I was tired, exhausted. While my body appeared to be healed, I could tell I wasn't completely there. "Here let me get this off of you," his fingers wrapped around the collar and her pulled it in two, tossing it behind him. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

"I'm alright," he nodded, "I'll be better when you're better though. Here, lean your head back love." I did as he said, slowly tilting my head backwards. He poured the water over my head, the heat felt so good. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop them," I sighed, "I tried to fight them once they took me from the room, from you."

"Don't be sorry about that," he shook his head, "you have nothing to be sorry for. You did what you could and that is more than enough." 

"I couldn't stop them from killing Grace and Stacy," I just became sad. My entire mood shifted as soon as I thought of them. Pictures flooded my brain watching Stacy die and watched Grace die... it was horrible. My eyes swelled with tears and all I could do was try to blink them away, even though it wasn't working. 

"Look at me," he whispered, "actually look at me." I did as he said again, turning my head to face him. "There was nothing you could do," he shook his head as he set both hands on my cheeks, "Rowan almost died tonight, you were able to stop that. You took the hit. You saved him, try to keep your mind on that." I looked down at my hands, noticing the water around me was bright red. I pulled the plug, allowing the water to drain before turning on the shower head. 

"Come in here with me?" I asked gently, "please?" I watched a smile break out across his face and he nodded his head, undressing and stepping in with me. His body was warm, a lot warmer than mine. I leaned against him, using him to keep myself steady. His arms wrapped around my body and I couldn't help but smile. 

"I love you," he pressed his lips to my forehead, "I really really do. I'm happy you're okay, that we're okay." I looked up at him and pulled him to me, kissing him passionately. 

"I love you," I smiled at him, "I was terrified that they were going to kill you. I really was. I mean I know they hurt you, that chair was horrible... but I was really praying that they wouldn't kill you in front of me for what I did."

"I don't think you would have let it happen," he chuckled, "based of off past events, you usually become stronger when it comes to one of us directly." 

"Not true," I looked down, "Grace, Stacy... I should have been able to get out but I couldn't. I was so weak at that point and using my magic was only going to tire me more. They have drained me, Jace. I feel empty. I feel like a walking supernatural shell or something."

"Well we're gonna fill you up then," he smirked, "okay? When we're done here I can go, or we can go downstairs and make something to eat." 

"I'm not hungry," I shook my head, "I can't eat right now. I'll get sick. I have too much on my mind and I can not eat when I'm sad." 

"Why is that?" he questioned, "anything I can do to help you with it?" 

"I don't know what it is," I shook my head, "it's always been like this though, always."

"Well whether you like it or not we have to get something in you," he looked at me, "it could be one bite of something I make, I don't care, but something needs to get in your system."  I just looked up at him, I didn't know what to say. I'm sure my body is hungry, I'm sure it is. Especially after the blood loss I suffered and how much of me was taken from me. I nodded my head slowly and the two of us finished washing up before he helped me out of the shower and we dried off. The two of us slowly made our way back into our room where we got dressed. I went back in and brushed my hair and my teeth before the two of us headed downstairs.

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