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I woke up with this awful gut feeling about something. I went to bed perfectly fine, but this morning is just a different story. I texted Kira to ask if we could meet and talk about it because I'm unsure what I'm seeing. 

I had the bad dreams which normally happens whenever I have a bad feeling but all I could see was men I didn't recognize. They looked like regular human hunters and they were walking around the woods. I could hear screaming but I see no one screaming. I don't know, it just confuses me. 

I went to school, hating every second.

"Hey baby!" I skipped over to Alex once I saw him, "how are you?"

"I'm good," he smiled, "how are you?"

"I'm good!" I smiled, "hi Justin!"

"Hey Jess," he waved to me and turned to Alex, "I'll catch you later. See ya."

"Oh okay," he stuttered, "uh- bye!" He took off. 

"What was that about?" I asked him. 

"I don't know," he sighed, "something is up with him this morning. I can just sense it."

"Weird," I nodded, "I wonder if he's having the same feelings I am." 

"What do you mean?" he turned to ask me. 

"I have this horrible feeling about something," I shook my head, "it's probably nothing but I just can't shake it. I had this nightmare last night. I saw I think 5 men but they all looked like regular human hunters ya know, the ones that shoot deer and squirrel. But they were tracking something and I could hear nothing but screaming." 

"Who was screaming?" he asked.

"I don't know," I shook my head, "I couldn't see or find anything screaming. That's what makes me confused. I'm going to see Kira after school today at Pattsies to talk about it." The bell rang. "ope," I sighed, "alright well I will see you later." I leaned forward and kissed him. 

"Okay I love you," he waved. 

"I love you!" I smiled. I got to my first class and sat down, waiting for the second bell so class could start and get over with. Once it rang the teacher took attendance and then started teaching. I took notes as she spoke and others goofed off. I could tell her patience was wearing thin already. 

I waved my hand, quieting everyone around me so I could hear her better. It seemed to calm the teacher as well. Before long the bell rang and I packed all my things to head to my next class. I sat down but as soon as I grabbed my pencil my world flipped. I felt my eyes glaze over and I was in a different world. 

"Help me!" I heard a woman screaming, "stop! Stop!" I looked all around trying to find her but I couldn't see anyone. The sound echoed all around me. 

I shook my head and woke back up as the bell rang again. The teacher shut the door, took attendance and grabbed a stack of papers. 

"Okay," he explained, "today we will be rough drafting an essay. It is an argumentative essay, you can choose a topic from the given list." He handed a few to each kid in the front, "pass back." The paper finally made its way to me and I started looking through it. 

"Easy," I whispered, "lets do this." I grabbed my pencil and started drafting as he explained the rest of the assignment. 


"Come on," I whispered while watching a deer, "come on just a little closer." I slowly took one step, snapping a twig under my foot. His head shot up and he looked around before taking off running. Damn it! I started running after it, that is until it ran past the wood line and got hit by a car. I stopped in my track and looked around, "what am I doing here?" I turned and ran back into the woods, trying to find another food source. 

I came across another and made my jump on it. When he hit the ground I turned and snapped his neck before picking him up and taking him back towards my home. I heard heartbeats around me so I stopped walking and started to look around. 

Where are they coming from? Where are they?

I looked around nervously and suddenly started to hear a painful screeching. I covered my ears as my knees hit the ground. 

"Stop!" I screamed, "ahhhh! Stop! Stop!" I squeezed my eyes shut and felt handcuffs wrap around my wrists. I felt the bag go over my face. "Stop!" I screamed, "stop! Let me go!" I felt a pinch in my neck and my entire body went numb. The sound started to go away. 

"Ha ha boys!" a man laughed excitedly, "we got ourselves a vampire! I told you they were out here!" They threw me on the ground, "mm she's a pretty one too! Come on, give me the rope so I can tie her legs." I felt his hands on my skin, grabbing abruptly. The rope started to tie around my legs and ankles tightly.

"Okay what do we do now?" I heard another ask. 

"Help me!" I screamed, "Help me! Someone! Pl-" The bag was torn from my head and a bandana was tied over my mouth. I couldn't move, I couldn't scream. What do I do? How am I supposed to fight this?

I felt the roughness of the earth against my skin as they dragged me through the woods. I was picked up and tossed into something, hitting hard plastic. I rolled onto my back as I felt vibrations. I must be in a car of some sort or something. What felt like forever finally came to an end as I heard doors opening and closing. 

I felt their hands on me as I was pulled out and carried. The walk was rough, jumpy. 

"Right here," one of them said as I was laid down on something, "wrap her up," he said again. I felt chains start to wrap around me. "Make sure they're tight," he insisted, "untie her legs and separate them. We get to have some fun tonight and make millions tomorrow boys!" I heard as all of them erupted into laughter and cheered. 

"Here," another said. I felt two sets of hands on me, one set on each leg. The chains were wrapped around them tightly. 

"You guys want to go grab some beers?" one of them said, "then we can get it on?" They all agreed and I listened as they walked away. I could hear them laughing upstairs. Before long the numbness started to ware away and I felt my strength coming back. I felt my eyes start glowing and I tried to break the chains.

Come on. Come on! Break! 

Nothing I was doing was working. The chains were big, heavy. I wasn't getting out of this. My entire upper torso was wrapped in them. I tried to look around but I couldn't see through the black fabric that covered my face. 

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