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"What will be your plan?"

I look up at my childhood friend, bestfriend, dragon rowing partner, fencing partner, squash partner, tennis rival, polo rival, business partner and assistant, Lao. He gave me a worried look.

"How long do you think you can push your family and the royal counsel before they push back and prepare a ball for you so they can invite all the eligible maidens on the kingdom to find your bride?"

My face crumpled. "This is not Cinderella, they won't..."

"They would." Lao said in full confidence.

"They would," I agreed resignedly. Because they would. If not my family then the Royal counsel will push it.

I am twenty four already. My father got engage to my mother when he was twenty. My grandfather to my grandmother when he was eighteen.

I am practically an old man in comparison.

"But Shunu..."

"Will not handle the stress of being the Queen in Waiting," Lao finished my sentence perfectly. Maybe because he heard it for about a million times already.

I stared irritably at him. Lao is my closest confidant but we don't always see eye to eye. We have our differences. He might be a bit more flexible and agreeable than me but not by much.

In short, he is a stubborn bastard too.

I stared at my friend, "I have to find someone who can fill that spot until Shunu is ready," I said.

Lai frown, "Is she getting ready? Is she training? How can she when the only person authorize to train your bride is the Queen herself?"

I hate that he knew all the laws of the royal family. Must be the reason why he is studying to be a lawyer.

"She just need more time," I argued.

Lao sneered, "You are bestowing a great priviledge to her by marrying her. Who is she to be picky and choosy on when she will say yes? You are the Crown Prince, Qing ah. The Heir to the Throne. The King in Waiting. Why stuck yourself on this girl?"

"I love her," I answered simply. "And before you ask it, yes, she loves me too. She is just not ready to tackle the stressful life of being my bride."

"There is a saying, you will never know if you are ready to do something until you are actually doing it,"

I groaned, "How many times do I have to tell you that I hate your sayings?!"

"Nobody will ever be ready to be part of the Royal Family. That's why she had to go through the training. Didn't she knew that?" Lao's voice held distaste.

"She knew! She is just..."

"Not ready," Lao sighed. "Got it,"

Silence reigned between us. I know Lao never liked Shunu, she is one of our differences. He thinks she is weak and he can never tolerate weakness. Maybe because he never allowed himself to have any weaknesses.

As the next manager of the household of the Royal Family, Lao is being trained to be the best of the best so he can serve me in the future when I sit on that throne and start my reign as King.

Being the best mean you should never have any weakness. That's another of Lao's saying. I don't know where he is picking them.

I sighed and look around the grand library. This room held books passed for generations by generations of the royal family. There is a special vaulted shelf where all past King's and Emperor's journals are held.

My grandfather's journal is in there. My father is still writing his. And I am waiting to be handled mine.

The Royal Family of China had been reinstated back in the 1960's
to symbolized the stability of China and to show the world how the Chinese value our history and traditions.

But instead of calling us Emperors. We adapted the King title. And instead of waiting for the last King to die before passing the crown, our family do it differently.

The crown is passed after the Crown Prince celebrated his thirty second birthday. Meaning, once I reach my 32nd year on this Earth, the crown will be mine.

That system diminishes the question on passing the crown and power. It also curtailed greed as a King cannot hold on to his power as long as he has an heir to pass it too. And the Crown Prince didn't need to plot to kill the current King as he doesn't need to wait for the King to die to get the crown.

It also prevent the greed from the Princes of the Crown, if there are many, to covet the seat as the King will only have a short time of reigning. No need to be greedy if you will only sit on that throne for just two decades.

But before I reach that age, I have to be married and at least secure an heir for the crown.

That is also a rule for the Crown Prince.

Now, at twenty four, will be the perfect time for me to be married and try for an heir. I only got eight more years before my father took off that crown to put it on my head.

I wish time will stop so I can think of what to do? And decide...

I want to marry Shunu but I can't force her. She said she will be willing to be my mistress but marrying me and being the next Queen in Waiting is not the kind of life she wants.

"I have more dreams to follow Qing. I want to travel the world, see all those arts, meet many artists, introduce my paintings to others and grow as an artist and individual. If I marry you, everyone will know me as your bride and a princess. I will lose my identity. I don't like that..."

Yeah...I wonder if she loves me too. But Shunu had always been ambitious when it comes to her dreams and arts.

I can't force her to give up her dreams and life so I can have mine. I don't want her to resent me in the long run and resent her life with me.

But if I give her enough time. Maybe she will accomplish all her dreams quickly and decide to marry me.

I just need more time. She just need more time.

But how can I buy time?

I look around at the paintings of my ancestors lining the wall of the library. My eyes landed on my grandfather.

"I miss you Grandpa," I sighed as I stare at his picture.

Lao followed my stare, "Maybe because you know that if he is alive and here, he will take your sides in every argument," my friend smiled. "After all, you are his favorite."

I nodded. What Lao said was right. My Grandpa always take my side. It usually drove my Grandma and Father crazy when my Grandpa and I argued with them.

My eyes stray to the two rings on his left hands. His King ring and his wedding ring. I smiled as I spied that simple gold circle on his finger. That ring, my Grandpa gave it to me so I can give it to the person I will marry someday.

That ring is...wait?!

"Lao, where is my ring again?"

"What ring?"

"That ring!" I point at my Grandpa's painting. "The ring my Grandpa gave me. Where is that ring?"

"Oh, that ring. That ring's with..."

Both our eyes widened. Then I smiled at Lao, "I think I now know how I can buy some time for Shunu,"

Lao stared at me while I started forming a plan inside my head with a huge smile on my face.

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