Mile High Club

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He looks like me.

The man Chong bought a house for. The divorced man from Chong's past.

He looks like me.

Or I look like him.


It's not like we are twins. It's more like we resembled each other in a lot of aspect.

Our height, our body frame, the neatness, the professionalism, the way we stand, the way we style our hairs, the color of our skin, the way we choose our tones and wordings, the way we dress. I know, that attendant is a kindred spirit. Someone who is like me.

We are alike. Too alike. And we also have one more thing in common.


Great! Fucking great.

And I don't know what is more galling. Qing's stoic reaction about it or Dayu's obvious concern for me.

Cause it's nothing really. Nothing to be concern about. But also it's something that I should at least talk about with Chong. Or should I? What?

It's a fifty-fifty situation. Or in other words, a fucking delicate scenario. How should I react? Chong is not mine. We are not in any kind of relationship for me to react in a way that my feelings wanting me to react.

"Is he using you because you look like his past love?" One part of my brain asked.

"That's childish. Chong is not like that. He is not a person that use other people like that. No," said my other part. I agree with that. Chong is anything but a user.

"Sure. And he is also not a mafia member and a total douchebag. Lao, you look like that guy. Or that guy looks like you. Either way, it's a little concerning on who Chong is seeing when he looks at you. Is it you or Mr.Flight Attendant there?" I think I will call this side, the "Crazy" side.

"Please, stop that. Why are you comparing us to that guy. We are obviously the more supreme being," and I will call this side, the "Logical" side.

"Your vainness is showing, " crazy side said. "They have a past. Chong bought that guy a house. A house, people! In some language that's like a marriage proposal..."

Oh my God...I think I am spending too much time with Dayu! I am picking his crazy way of thinking! Someone help me stop it.

"So? Should we demand a house from him? We are just kissing him," said logical side. I want to stop myself from thinking because what's up with the "we"? Really?

I sighed. "You are right. We are just having fun with the guy. Nothing too serious. Okay. I get that. It'a just...I don't know, angering. To be caught off guard and to see Chong's past. But you are right. That guy is a nobody to us,"

What's up with the "us"? I think I am going crazy.

"Don't go with Crazy! He is Crazy. Stay with me, Lao. Mr.Logical is here to help you. Breathe and think. Chong is not committed to us. We are not committed to him. We are going in a vacation, on Maldives and we will have some fun. Lao, erase everything. Mr.Flight Attendant is not your problem or concern. That's Chong's. Not ours...okay?"

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