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Meeting my soon to be parents in law is nerve wracking. The last time I saw Dayu's parents was during the "snuffbox" incident. While I am accusing their son of stealing.

Now, I am meeting them again after fifteen years, and will try my hardest for them to entrust their son to me.

Which I am failing to do big time because up until now, Chong, Lao and I cannot find one fault on Heise besides his affair with Li Yi.

That is enough to convince Baozang to leave him but not enough to prosecute him on trying to kill my fiance.

I sighed and put Heise's business aside. Dayu's parents are more important. Nope, this is the most important thing in my life right now. I have to be accepted in Dayu's family.

Dayu has been wonderful to my family. An obedient soldier for my Mother. An affectionate grandson to the Queen Dowager. A brother to Baozang. And I know Dayu made the King smile more often than not.

Dayu has been good to my family.

And I have to do the same for his.

His parents must like me. This is mandatory in my list. Dayu is willing to disobey his parents if they ever refused to let Dayu marry me but I don't want us to come to that.

I want them to love me as their son.

"Just be yourself," Dayu said while we are dressing and getting ready for the important meeting with his parents. "How can they love you if you will not show them who you really are? Just be Qing and everything will be okay."

"Are you sure? Sometimes I don't like myself. I am a jerk, a show off. Self absorb. Selfish. You can ask Lao."

Dayu winced, "Let's not or else he may run and tattle to my parents. Just, relax. Take a deep breath. Relax."

"Are you relaxed?" I asked him.

"," Dayu winced again. "But that's not important. What's important is that I love you. And you love me. Let's show my parents our love and they will understand. They are not unreasonable people, Wang Qing. That's you...but not them," he is teasing me by smiling with mischief in his eyes.

I smiled back at him. "I'm unreasonable?" I captured his waist and yank him closer to me. I lean down to kiss him but Chong coughed. We look at him.

"I cannot believe you two really forgot for a moment that you are not alone," he said while elbowing Lao. "Tell them..." he urged my Aide.

"Tell them what?" Lao was confused. Maybe because his focus is on the dinner that will happen tonight.

"That they are impossible!" Chong said.

Lao look at us, "Are you both ready? Don't stand too close to each other or your clothes might get crumpled. No kissing either. You guys just had sex last night, can you please take your hands off each other for a couple of hours? We don't want Dayu's parents to think that the Prince is taking advantage of their son..."

Chong gave Lao an exasperated look. "I give up on all of you," he said before leaving the room first. The three of us look at each other and we all shrugged.

We left the Pavilion to go to the main Palace where we will welcome Dayu's parents. My mother fussed over me.

"Be impressive. You are a Prince. This is important. They must like you," she said while fixing my tie. "But no pressure,"

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