Press Conference

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"Why are you crying?" Chong asked me when he saw tears fell down from my eyes.

"Huh?" I wipe my face and was surprised to see tears on my hands. "I don't know..."

Chong gave me a "you are really weird" look, "You are crying but you don't know why? Are you really a stupid sissy and a weakling? A crybaby?"

"No!" I snarled at him. I sniffed. "Maybe I am developing cold. I am sneezing too...achoo! See?!"

"What the...!" Chong jumped away from me when I sneezed. I wipe my nose noisily with a handkerchief then I turn quiet.

I am not sure why my tears just fell but I know I cried those tears when I suddenly thought of Qing.

Is he okay? Should I call? No...I cannot contact them. Not until Qing came clean to the public about our fake engagement deal and until he come personally to get me.

That is the plan. I have to stay low for a while and wait. Be steady and have faith.

But I worry. Everytime I think of Qing, my heart grew heavy. I miss him. And I know he will have a tough day today.

I sighed. I have to trust Qing. Like he said, I at least have to have faith in him. He will be my King and I will be his Consort. I, more than anyone else, should trust and have faith on the man I will trust with myself and my heart.

I close my eyes. Am I really doing this again? Trying for a relationship? After all to heartaches I had endure from my past relationships?

I had four past relationships. All failed. Everytime I blame myself. Every break up I thought it's because I am not enough, because I am not good enough. Because I didn't try hard enough.

But the truth is, I date losers. I suck at falling in love. I suck at choosing people. I was gullible and a bit naive and really stupid.

That is the truth.

Why will Qing be any different? For all I know, he is the biggest jerk I will make a fool of myself to. For all I know, he is the one that will give me my biggest heartache. The one who will betray me and break my heart that it will be impossible for me to repair it back again.

Maybe Qing will be my biggest mistake.

"Hey!" Chong's shout woke me up. "That fish is already dead!" He snatched the knife from my hand. "Look at it! How will Auntie Yan cook it now?"

I look down at the fish I was just suppose to clean. Yup, it looked butchered now.

I wince at Chong. "I will pay for that?"

"How? This is just your first day but you already broke ten plates, six bowls and two cups. Plus that fish. The pay you will get for working here in the diner today will not be enough to pay for all the things you broke and butchered," Chong chunked the knife on the chopping board. I flinched and step away from him.

Oh, I already have a job. Helping here in the diner where the King left me. I will live here too. On the third floor of this building, there is a small room where I can board for free, as long as I work in the diner.

But so far, all I did is pissed off my bodyguard. Chong...

Go me...

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