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I cannot believe him. Dayu...he...

I have no words for him.

Where he got the idea that I have a short...ugh! Just thinking about it is enough to raise my blood pressure.

Where in the hell did he got the idea that I have a small dick? What in the...

I look at him. Dayu looked contrite, but I think not for the right reason. He really believes that I have a small dick and he is feeling guilty because he told Lao and Chong.

Who are both still laughing. Really, when will they stop? It's not funny, damn it!

I was about to be angry and shout at Dayu again when I remembered what he said.

"I will bottom for you,"

Wow! He sure is a nice guy. He thinks I have a small dick so he is giving up the fight and making me win. He is sacrificing himself because he feels pity on me. The one with the small dick.

Wow! Dayu...sure can drive anyone crazy. What is going on inside his brain? Really, I will pay a good amount on money for someone to take a look at Dayu's brain and tell me how he came up with these ideas.

It's mind boogling!

So...he thinks my dick is short and small that's why he will be willing to be the bottom in our relationship.

Fine! I am game with that. I am all for that. Cheating I know but...I like winning so I will take it any way I can. Losing sucks anyway.

He thinks I have a small dick!

Fucking fuck...


I nodded at Dayu. "So, you will bottom for me?" I asked him. Just to get his straight answer and put it in record.

"Yes," Dayu hugged me and put his head on my shoulder. "I love you. No matter what..."

Chong and Lao laugh again. I gave them chilling stares but they are busy being entertained.

"I love you too," I said and Dayu let me go to smile at me. "Eat something, love." I transfer food from my plate to his.

"Thank you..." Dayu flushed happily before eating.

Lao, who finally stopped laughing gaze at us with wonder. "What is this thing about a bottom?"

Chong whispered something to him. Lao's eyes widened and he looked at me. "Qing ah..." he then gave Dayu a frightened look. "I don't..."

"Then don't..." I interjected while cutting my food and stabbing it with a fork. Lao swallowed then sigh before giving a pitying look to Dayu who is busy inspecting his food for bugs or something. Who knew what's going on inside Dayu's head? Not me.

But Lao looks like he wanted to say bye bye to Dayu or give him a warning and volunteer himself to take my Consort to the emergency room by the time I am done with Dayu's ass.

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