Themed Party

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Two weeks had quickly passed. Busy with preparing the wedding and going out to official events with Qing or sometimes with the whole Royal Family, my days were hectic.

But I am happy. As I count the days. Spending my morning with the man I love before I go to his mother for more training to be a Consort and to prepare for my wedding, my days were filled with love and eagerness.

Then the bachelor party issue happened.

The Queen and King, even the public are asking if we will have a big, wild bachelor party for two.

We declined. Saying there's no need for more extravagance. Our wedding will be a media circus enough. People doesn't need the image of us drunk out of our minds as we walk out of a strip club.

Nope. We said there will be no big publicized bachelor party for the Prince and his fiance.

But we will have a private one.

"Can't we have a joint bachelor party?" I asked Lao.

"Do you want a joint bachelor party?" Lao asked me and Qing as the four of us are having breakfast three days before my wedding.

I look at Qing who shrugged, "I don't need a bachelor party. Bachelor parties are for stupid fools who are moaning the loss of their singlehood. I am ready to be married and..."

"Okay, he is boring." I stopped Qing before he puts us all to sleep. "I want a bachelor party. Not because I am moaning the loss of my singlehood but because I want to have fun with my friends before I neglect them to take care of my husband. I will have a high maintenance husband, I need two bachelor parties..."

Lao laughed while Chong groaned like he is tired already.

"Sure," Lao accomodates me. I love him. "Who will we invite in your bachelor party?"

I open my mouth...then frowned. I don't have close friends. I have friends and acquaintances but I mostly lost contact on them when I got inside the Palace. My friends now mostly consists of Lao, Chong and the security men around us.

I look at Chong, "Hey, call up the gang. They are invited to my party."

Chong choked while drinking coffee. He coughed. "You mean, Khan's thugs?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

The three of then gave me freaked out looks. "Why? When did they became your friends?" Chong is puzzled.

"What? We have experienced things together. When they chase me for one hour on that busy market place. When you guys caught me and tied me down then started threatening me. When you put me in a crane to lower me on a hole to be cemented. We guys bonded!"

Lao and Qing laughed at what I said while Chong is just plain weirded out. "Why are you two laughing?! Didn't you heard him...what he said. He is insane! Why would you think that those events are bonding moments...oh my..." I think Chong's brain is hurting.

Qing stopped laughing but his eyes are still chinking, "Dayu is funny..." he kissed my cheek. His coffee laced breath warming my skin.

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