The Deal

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He is gay.

That came as a shock to me and Lao. There was nothing on the report about Dayu being gay or in a relationship with another man.

Dayu looked smug as we looked more confuse. "Tsk tsk, you wasted your money on an incomplete report about me. I am gay, and if you think it will affect your "let's pretend to be engaged together" scheme, let's stop it here,"

Lao recovered from his shock, "Ahm Qing..." he shook my shoulder to wake me up.

Honestly, I am still in the "excellent blowjob" part. How excellent is his excellent blowjobs exactly?


"Being gay doesn't matter, it's not like we will take our clothes off in public to show them that we won't fit each other," I said and look at Lao.

"And your goal as being engaged is to show that Qing is not yet ready for marriage," Lao continued.

"Who will buy that if he is doing this posing with another guy? He should do this with a girl and then show everyone that Prince Wang Qing of China is not yet through being a bachelor," Dayu pick up his glass of wine and took a sip.

"But you are the one holding the ring. That ends all arguments for my grandmother," I said.

"Ah, the Queen Dowager. She still
loves me, right?" Dayu winked.

Lao and I laughed. Yes, the Queen Dowager is very fond of Dayu. For some unknown reason to me and Lao, my grandmother's favorite is Dayu and not me, his own grandson.

"She will be happy to see you," Lao said to Dayu.

"I hope not too happy that she will set the wedding date after seeing me with the late King's ring," Dayu replied.

"Being in the Queen Dowager's good graces will be good for you and the prince," Lao pointed out.

Dayu raised a palm, "Wait, let's not speak as if everything is a done deal. What would I gain if I said yes?"

"One million yuan," I answered. Dayu arched an eyebrow, "And?"

I smirked, "Another million after we broke up," I added.

"Tell me we are breaking up because you caught me cheating on you," Dayu had a smile with an evil edge on it.

I shook my head, "Who in their right mind will believe that you will cheat after tasting me?" I look down at my body as Lao and Dayu made gagging sound.

"You are not my type. At all," Dayu wave his hand on the air.

"You have a type?" I made my eyes huge in mockery.

"Yes," Dayu sneered at me. "I have standard. Tell him Lao!"

"Don't," Lao shook his head in distaste. "I have no intention on touching that topic. And since the two of you are already bickering like an old married couple, can I take the contract out now so we can finalize this deal?" Lao stood up and wait for an answer.

Dayu and I stared at each other. I can read hesitation on his part but I nodded at him. He sighed and nodded back.

I signaled a yes to Lao and he walked to the cabinet to take the contract out.

Dayu and I held our own wine glasses and make them clink.

"We can kiss but I am afraid that will tempt you to to go the dark side with me. We don't want our very straight Prince to be tempted now, do we?" Dayu twirl a finger on his hair and smiled seductively at me.

I smirked back at him, "And you said I am not your type. I wonder how you act in front of the person you actually like?" I said as I raise my glass to my mouth to drink.

"I took off my clothes on the spot," Dayu answered nonchalantly.

I cough as I choked on wine while Lao groan in dismay. "And I didn't need that image on my mind," he complained to Dayu.

Dayu just laugh and reach for the contract. His eyes turn huge after reading the first paragraph, "I have to live with you?!" He gaped at me.

I nodded while wiping my mouth, "You are marrying me, living with me is the norm."

"And I have to agree to your mother, the Queen to train me. Train me for what?" Dayu asked as he read on.

Lao and I shrugged, "How would we know, we are not the bride," I countered as we laugh at Dayu's deadpanned expression.

"Fuck you both," he said as he continued reading. "I have to attend social function with the Royal Family, wonderful. Oh a party! That would be a riot. I have to submit myself to the PR expertise," he looked up. "Is this the gag order thing?"

"Maybe," Lao said.

Dayu sighed, "Why is there so many? Oh this is nice, I have to be seen with you," he raised an eyebrow at me. "Sweet on public?"

I smile, "Let's make this a very public engagement and break up,"

"I hope you have a story made up for suddenly ditching girls and making out with a guy," Dayu flip the pages on the contract.

I reach over to lift his face. He gave me a surprised look, his eyes round and glittering, "Who will doubt me when they see this pretty face?" I smirked at him. "If anything can make any guy go to the dark side, it will be this face, right?"

Dayu lean out his head and escape my hold. He threw the contract at me, "No lovers until the charade is over? Are you insane? We are too young to be eunuchs, why should I be celibate? I have needs Qing, the least you could do is provide me with cute guys,"

I sighed, "I will be celibate too. Fair and square. I don't like it but we have to sell to people that we love each other for the first month at least. Then we can renegotiate this part of the contract."

Dayu frown as he think. "One million after I signed this contract. Another million after three months, that's the deal?"

I nodded, "Crystal clear," I fishes out a pen from my coat pocket and hand it to him. Dayu took it and sign his name on the line of the paper. "I will send the money on your account tonight and you can access it tomorrow. I will need your stamp tomorrow too," I said after taking the pen from him to sign my name on the contract too.

"Will we start tomorrow?" Dayu asked as he stood up to stretch, his shirt riding high to reveal a flat stomach.

I got distracted for a bit with that display of skin from him.

I stood too and hand the signed contract to Lao. "No time like tomorrow," I said.

Dayu nodded and put the straps of his backpack on his shoulders. He stood on tiptoe to kiss me on my left cheek.

Lao and I gasped at his action. Dayu laughed at us, "Practice being unsurprised everytime I kiss you. Who would believe us if you are like that?" he winked before walking out of the suite.

He was right. I need to practice being unsurprised when Dayu's sudden craziness appear.

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