JSS is your Friend

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We didn't stay at the club. After Chong and his boys left, Qing and I stood up too to leave.

Outside, I was surprised to see Lao on the driver side of the SUV.

"Hey," I smile and walk to him for a hug but Qing caught my elbow.

"Stop being too friendly," he said as he drag me to the backseat of the car.

"But Lao is my friend! Our friend!" I protested as he pushed me to the backseat.

Lao laughs on the driver seat as he put his seatbelt on, "Protocol, my Prince's fiance. We are all friends inside a locked room but outside, I am Qing's assistant and you will soon be his fiance in public eye."

Qing sat beside me. "He needs to learn about how to act accordingly in public," he is talking to Lao who nodded in agreement.

I pouted at them, "You mean I can't even be comfortable with Lao in public? That's sick man...are your relationship like that?" I ask the two of them as the car left the club's driveway.

"We are Royalty, we have to act in a certain way," Qing said as he close his eyes and rest his head on the seat.

"But I am not royalty!" I reminded them both.

"You will be," Qing said. That got me silent. Lao too. But Qing spoke again, "Now be quiet and reserve your energy for when we meet my family. Believe me, they will tire you down,"

I paused and think. Why does he sound tired about seeing his family? Are they really pressuring Qing too much for him to be resigned like this?

I look down and gasped. I hit Lao's shoulder, "Hey, speaking of protocol, should I change my clothes first before meeting the King and Queen? Look at me?"

"What is wrong with you?" Qing is the one who answered.

Now he is just being obtuse, "I look like a punk teenager who got lost in the palace after being separated from the tour group,"

I think my ripped jeans is the most offensive item on my body. And my stud earring on my left ear.

"Do you like to change clothes first?" Lao asked as he manuevered the car through the traffic.

"No," Qing answered for me. "You look fine Dayu. Stop fretting. Tell him to stop fretting Lao," he ordered with his eyes still close.

Lao laughs again, "Stop fretting Dayu. I think you look cute," he said. "I like your style. Street smart and rugged."

"Stop the car."

Lao stopped the car. We both look at Qing who shouted the order and opened his eyes to look at me critically. Then he turn to Lao. "Let's stop in a store to change his clothes,"

He is giving me a vertigo. "But you just said I look fine!"

Qing shook his head, "I hate your jeans," he offered as an excuse. "My mother and grandmother will be scandalized to see you in them,"

"Really?" I started fretting.

He nodded. Lao shrug and just follow the Prince's whim. I sat and waited until we stopped in front of a store with a familiar brand of clothings for men.

"Okay, here is the deal," I said as we get out of the car. "I will not wear no trousers. Don't put me in a cardigan or old man sweater. No brown, black or earth tone color..."

"What is wrong with Earth tone colors?" Qing frown at me.

He is wearing Earth tone colors. I ignored him. Speaking mainly to Lao.

"And no leather. Not in this heat," I finished my preference.

"I will put you in leather pantsuits," Qing muttered darkly as we enter the store.

The store manager, a man who looks like in his early thirties welcomed us. Qing points at me. "Dress him up," he ordered before going into the set of seats and sat there.

The store manager looked at me critically then turn to Lao. Lao winced at what he reads in the manager's eyes. "Yes, he is legal. He just has a baby faced look. And please dress him up semi formally. And don't accept another customer until we leave. We will compensate you of course,"

The store manager nodded and he clapped his hands for the assitants to start picking up clothes. One assistant guide me to go into a fitting room on one side of the store and told me to wait for the outfits to be handed to me so I can change.

I will admit to not paying that much attention when I am dressing up. Jeans, shirts and sneakers. JSS is my friend. Dependable and always available as long as I remember to do my laundry.

But this? This is a "Pretty Woman" level of shopping. Shopping which is not my forte at all.

I am not stylish. At all...

"But we are, so don't worry." Qing said as he and Lao sat on the plush seat where they wait for me to parade the clothes they've chosen for me.

"I am suppose to model in front of the two of you?" I frown at them.

"There's no need to be shy." Qing said as a store employee serve them drinks. "Go on now, change your clothes,"

I sighed and close my eyes. I go to my happy place, a corner of my mind where everything I want comes true. One of them just came true actually. My debt to Chong's boss had been paid.

So I got inside the fitting room. Thank the Lord above that I remembered to wear a decent pair of boxer briefs and started changing my clothes as what Prince Qing wanted.

At the rate I am going, he will have me as obedient as Lao.

I reluctantly modeled clothes in front of them. Outfits after outfits after outfits. I just look in the distance as Qing and Lao argued if I am presentable enough to meet the Royal Family.

Now I remembered why I hate shopping. Because I hate people who knew fashion and judging me according to their standards.

Like these two.

After what feels like eternity for me, Qing and Lao finally agreed on an outfit for me. A yellow colored long sleeve shirt paired with soft dark jeans and light pink blazer. I also have new leather shoes.

Qing and Lao looked satisfied.

"Alright!" Prince Qing clapped. "You are ready to meet my family. Let's go!" He points at the direction of the store's door and walked first.

Lao and I looked at each other. My friend shrugged and we followed Qing.

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