Without Doubts

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Lao is really too cute.

Even if he is staring at me like he wants to skewer me and barbecue me in hot coals.

He is adorable. And very tempting while lying under me.

"Are you done?" Lao snarled like a baited tiger. He is exhausting sometimes but Lao is a man who needs to know what is going on so he can prepare for the worst.

That's his job. That's what he is trained to do as the Prince's aide. To be able to get ready if a scandal or a disaster comes to the Royal Family, especially to the next King.

But the thing is, sometimes, he had to trust people to do their job without him checking on them.

I let him go and roll off him. Lao gets up swinging, but I anticipated that so I caught his right hook before it hits my face.

"Stop, you are only embarassing yourself." I told him as I push his hand away. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as we sat side by side on the foot of his bed. "The job is for me. Not you. Can't you just trust me?"

"I..." Lao sighed. "God, what if you are right and I am a control freak? Ugh!" His shoulder slumped, "I just don't want you and Qing to be in trouble in whatever it is you are planning."

"So you don't trust us?" I asked.

Lao chuckled, "I think I have a problem with people solving things without my help or without at least consulting me,"

I laughed, "You are a control freak,"

"I don't want to be," Lao agonized.

"Then trust me. I know I failed in securing Dayu..."

"No," Lao shook his head. "Them getting kidnapped is not your fault. You were shot, Chong."

"Yeah well..." I sighed. "I feel like it's my fault,"

"It's not! Stop thinking that!" I smiled. Lao may be annoyed at me but he is still defending me.

Silence reigned for moments as we just sat there. "Let me do this job. Trust me. Trust the Prince. I am a professional Lao, I know what I am doing. I am careful so...don't worry..."

Lao stared at me. His gaze unreadable. "You want me to trust you. You want me to turn away and never ask about this assignment and trust you and Qing?"


Lao grew quiet for moments then he nodded. "Okay. I will trust you. In this case, I will. I will not question Qing again. I will simply trust..."

I felt enormous relief settled on me. "Okay. So what's next. What are your other concerns?"

Lao stared at me again. Then I saw his cheeks reddened a little. I swear, he literally turn a little pinkish. Goodness. He is too cute.

"Are you...ugh...ahm...the thing is, it's kinda hard to ask, but I have to ask just so things are clear...and...uhm..."

"Spit it out," I am losing patience on him.

Lao jolted a little in surprise. Then like a man without any choice, he asked. "Are you falling for me?"

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