Guess the Lie my Friend

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Dayu mentioning his grandfather is like a horse kick in my gut. It hurts so bad...

If I have one regret in my life, that would be it. Not being able to tell Mr.Feng the truth about that snuff box. His sudden stroke attack had come as a shock to me and to my family.

Maybe it's no consolation but I did told my grandfather the truth and seeing the disappointed look on his eyes had been a painful punishment.

I wonder how disappointed Dayu's grandfather would have been. I stared at Dayu who nonchalantly sat down on the chair and smooth the linen napkin on his lap.

I missed him. That's another truth I can't say to him. I am afraid he will not just flung that back on my face but he would also laugh while doing it.

Why would he miss his old playmate who betrayed him? I wouldn't.

I sat on the chair opposite his, maintained a detached expression, although detached is the least emotion I am feeling right now, try chaotic and nostalgic and melancholy, as I took the linen napkin placed on the plate in front of me and smooth it on my own lap.

Lao, took it upon himself to create another setting on the table and get his own chair to sit on the table with us.

"So..." Lao said smiling, I hope he has a nice ice breaker because Dayu is so cold I think we will need many "ice breaker" to break his ice. "Remember when we use to play this restaurant game? Dayu is our chef, I am the waiter and Qing..."

"Is the discontent customer who will not be happy at anything we will serve him," Dayu smiled coldy. "Guess the reality of that game is too close to home."

"Dayu ah," Lao tried the pleading tone.

I am not having any of it, "Is that all you got? Will you do this all night? Gave me slight insulting jab until we finish dinner?" I asked as I stared at Dayu.

Dayu's eyes, big, naturally long lashed and "too pretty to be in a boy" eyes, widened as he smile. "Wow, are you insulted? Is there an insult that can penetrate that over confident ego of yours? Cause I have a lot..."

"Fine! Give them to me all," I challenged him.

His eyes rounded more, "Oh I will, it will be my pleasure, your..."

"Enough!" Lao shouted before Dayu could dish out anymore insult at me. Our resident buffer and referee look at us tiredly. "We are not kids anymore. Bickering like this is not cute anymore. We are adults now, we must be responsible to the words that will come outof our mouth and..."

"Oh my God he still preach like that?!" Dayu gave me a disgusted look. I nodded at him, "And you should hear his sayings too,

"Still? With the life is not a race and we have our own phase crap like that?" Dayu was amazed.

"Yes!" I snapped my fingers at him. I turn to Lao who look stunned at us, "Lao, give him a saying, hurry! It will be unfair to me that I grew up listening to your craps while Dayu got free!"

"Don't you dare Lao!" Dayu point a finger at our friend who sits there and taking all our crap.

"Very funny the both of you," Lao deadpanned. We three look at each other. Dayu started giggling, Lao and I smile at that sound and then we burst out laughing.

We laugh. And laugh...until I feel tears prick my eyes. This is what I missed when Dayu left our group.

Lao and I might bully Dayu. But Dayu and I used to tease Lao and his "good boy" image. Dayu and Lao made fun of me and my responsibilities once I became the Crown Prince.

Nobody can make fun of me like my two childhood playmates. They will make faces, wave around and walk like they were electrified with a stun gun while acting like me.

Those were the bad days. On our good days, we will run around the Royal Palace making ruckus and playing franks until every staff on the palace called our name in anger or frustration.

But all of that stopped when Dayu left. Lao stayed with me but we both changed when our third guy was not there anymore.

And it's all my fault.

Now as I watch and listen to Dayu laughing and teasing Lao. Lao smiling and teasing Dayu back, I wonder if I can bring it all back.

Maybe the ring my grandfather gave to me will bring Dayu back as my friend.


"Prince Wang Qing!"

I woke up from thinking when they called my name. Dayu sighed, "See, he is bored already. We are not kids anymore Lao. We have responsibilities now. More so, this person!" Dayu pointed at me.

It's like waking up from a long dream. I turn to Lao who nodded at me. I turn to Dayu again, "And that is the reason why I ask Lao to look for you and take you here to see me. I have a responsibility to fulfill,"

Dayu look back and forth at us. He put an elbow at the table and lean his head on his hand, "Shoot, give it to me straight," then Dayu laugh like he just pricked an inside joke.

Lao hesitated, "Should we eat first? I think we should eat first before we talk..."

"Yes!" I grasp at that suggestion. Maybe if we fill Dayu's stomach with tasty food and good wine, he will be more receptive to the idea of being engaged to me.

"No," Dayu shook his head. "It's okay really, you can tell me what you need from me. Unless what you think that what you will say will make me lose my appetite,"

"The possibility is there," I said.

Dayu blinked, "I see. Then how about we do this like how we use to do this sort of thing. Let's play a game. Guess the lie..."

Our grandfathers' game. My grandfather and Dayu's granddad invented this game.

They will tell two outrageous things and one of them is a lie. We have to guess what is the lie on those two things. If we are right, we get sweets. If we are wrong, we will perform a task. Most of it is cleaning our own mess.

Dayu put another elbow on top of the table, now both his elbows are there, and he put his head on top of his intertwined fingers. He pouted at me. I feel my heart thudded, Dayu knew he looks cute when he pouted.

It's a weapon he used before to entice adults around us and to make Lao and I do his biddings.

Nobody can resist Dayu when he is being cute. And right now is not an exception. I want to give him what he wants by just looking at his cute pouting face.

I look at Lao who sighed and nodded at me. "This might be easier than giving it to him in one go," he said.

I nodded back and turn to Dayu again who looks like he never took his eyes off me. I stared back at him, not an unpleasant thing. Dayu's eyes are so pretty I used to trick him to play a staring contest with me so I will have a reason to stare at his eyes.

"I will say two things. One of them is a lie. You have to guess what is the lie between the two..."

"If I guessed right, what will be my reward?" Dayu asked.

I think first, "Do you still love basketball?" When Dayu nodded, "I will give you a ball signed with your favorite player,"

Dayu perked up, "You're on! And if I fail to guess correctly?"

"You promise to think and consider my proposal to you," I answered.

He nodded, "Fair enough. Hit me with those lies," he smirked.

I took a deep breath and release it, "I have two lies but one of them is not. Guess the real lie and a treat you will find. I am not afraid of cockroach anymore and I want you to pose as my fiance. One two three, guess the lie my friend."

Dayu's eyes widened. His mouth opened but no sounds came off it. Lao and I held our breath as we watch our old playmate rattle those words inside his head.

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