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Two days later, I am still avoiding Dayu. I felt a bit calmer now but I don't want to risk meeting him then getting angry again.

I wonder why he affect me and my emotions too much.

He was fine. He's alive. Why do I still have to be angry?

I don't know. All I know is that I hate that he is careless and he almost died in front of me. All I know is that I will never forgive myself is something untowards happen to Dayu.

Or forgive him if he deliberately or even indirectly put himself in danger.

All I know is that I have to protect him.

Maybe because he is my friend and I am still paying my debt to him. Maybe because he is one of my people. I know if I asked him to stay and serve me when I became King, he will be like Lao, my trusty confidant.

Or maybe...

We will not go there. That "other" maybe. I will not go there.

Better concentrate on the now and what feelings I can name. Not the other emotions that is too confusing to make any sense.

The happenings now...?

We are in a speaking engagement inside a University. We will talk with the students, all freshmen and sophomores, about their goals and aspirations in life. Such big words...goals and aspirations.

It's just Dayu and I present in this speaking engagement to represent the Royal Family. As the future of the Royal side of the country, we shared the same dreams with these youths who will listen and interact with us.

I spoke first. Talking about working hard to achieve your goals. Having plans and following it. Never letting yourself be distracted to get to your goals. Being active in shaping your life.

"Being a Crown Prince was something I couldn't avoid. But bemoaning my fate and being ungrateful about it is not something that is taught on me. I take what life has offered to me and make something good of it. Quite easy to say as I live in a big house, surrounded with servants and served with the best options when it comes to my education. But that title comes with a responsibility and I never turn my back on my responsibilities. I do my best, give my best, hope for the best and work hard. That is something we should all do while we are young. Work hard to achieve our goals and be useful to our country and communities."

Everyone clapped when my speech was over. Dayu stood up and smile at me but I ignored him. I sat down on my chair and watch as he went to the podium and hit the mic to make sure it is working.

"It's still on, right? I should have talked first. What if you all leave because you already heard the words of the man you all waited for to take photos and video? Don't leave yet! Listen to what I have to say too! Please..."

He made eveyone laugh on the get go.

"So. Work hard eh. The Crown Prince was right. We all must work hard to get those goals and aspirations. Yay! But don't forget that as you get your goals, you also have to live. You are young, do something that can put a smile on your faces. I am not saying YOLO or anything. What I am saying is you have to experience living. Go out with your friends, play video games, taste alcohol but don't get wasted that you will miss exam tomorrow. Fall in love. Make a fool out of yourself. Experience heartbreak. Eat instant noddles. Sing along to your favorite song while dancing naked as all the curtains are down and you lock that door. Have a pet. Kiss someone. Save your coins. Buy a latest gadget using your saved money. Take a road trip. Dive on that pool. Take a hike. Wait for the sun rise. Live. You are young and you have a right to have some hobbies while working hard. Experience life."

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