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It was a riot one moment and the next everything stopped.

Crown Prince Wang Qing stood in front of me. Shielding me from everyone. The noise stopped when people saw who has come. And who is it they are throwing rotten things to.

"Wang Qing..." I said wonderingly as the tomato that struck his head fell into the ground. I gasped, "Are you okay?!"

But instead of answering me, Wang Qing turn around to face the crowd. "Arrest them all," he said.

My eyes widened when men in police uniforms appear out of nowhere to hold the protesters who was as shocked as me.

"Wait!" I shouted and look up at Qing. "Why are you arresting..."

"Do you all know the punishment for humiliating a member of the Royal Family?" Qing asked the crowd. "A fine of 100 hundred thousand yuan and 6 months of jail time." He signaled to the police force, "Arrest them all," he ordered again.

People protested as policemen hold them and their placards and protest signs.

"Wait! Wait!" I shouted and everything stopped again. "Wang Qing, they...they didn't mean to throw tomatoes at you. It's for get in the way," I said.

"That is right!" The protesters agreed with me. "It's all for him! You get in the way...!"

Chong groaned, "Are you really defending them?" He asked incredulously.

I winced, "But it's true. Those missiles are for me..."

"That is why I am arresting them," Qing said. "They humiliate and try to hurt a member of the Royal Family."

Everyone looked at him in surprise. My mouth fell open. Member of the Royal Family?

"You mean..." I gasped and put a hand on my mouth.

Qing smirked at the crowd, "The notice just went out fifteen minutes ago. The Counsel and the Royal Family had given their blessings for my marriage to Dayu to commence." His eyes grew stormy, "You just try to hurt my Consort. Arrest them all!"

The policemen tried pushing the protesters they are arresting. Noise erupted again while Wang Qing turn to me in concern.

"Are you okay? You have..." he carefully peeled off the rotting cabbage from my cheek.

But my eyes are on the crowd getting arrested.

"Stop!" I shouted. "Stop arresting them please!" I said and look up at Wang Qing. "Don't do this. Please. Don't put anything negative in this wonderful day. We should be happy, not arresting people. Huh? Please..." I bit my lower lip while giving him a pleading look.

Chong groaned in frustration while Lao smiled at me. Wang Qing stared back at me, "You have such a soft heart, my Consort..." is what he said.

Whatever. "Please..." I said again. He sighed, "Fine, I will not arrest them but I will think of this as me doing a favor for you. If I release them, you will owe me one."

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