A Reason to Lie

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"What? Who ordered her?"

I stood from my seat and my mouth fell open when Chong told me and the Queen Dowager what is happening on the holding room where Qing is questioning Baozang's maid who tried to kill me...well Lao...but she, her target is me.

Ugh! It's confusing.

And now it got more confusing when Chong told us that...

"She claimed she was ordered by the Princess..." he said in a grim tone.

"Oh no..." a faint moan sounded behind me.

"My Queen Dowager!" I exclaimed and sat next to Qing's grandmother when she swayed to her right while sitting. Holding her head while her other hand is on her chest.

"Chong, stop." I told my bodyguard. "Your Majesty," I worry about the Queen Dowager. "Call the doctors!" I told anyone who can hear.

I heard feet running as someone followed my order. I steadied the Queen Dowager on her seat.

"Dayu ah," she held my arm that is holding her. "My Baozang. My Baozang will never..."

"Your Majesty, please. You musn't worry yourself about that. That maid, Li Yi, is obviously lying. Baozang will never do what she is saying. We all know that..."

"Yes," the Queen Dowager smiled at me but her eyes are teary. "Tell Qing to never believe that lie. Baozang will never do that. She..."

"Qing will never believe it. I will guarantee that to you, your Majesty." I said and nodded to her.

She nodded back. The doctors had arrived to check her out. I moved back to give them space. I look at Chong who bowed at me. I feel annoyed at him for bringing that news to me when the Queen Dowager is present, everyone in the Palace knew her fragile health. Stress is forbidden to the old queen. Any stress must be avoided at all cost.

But Chong is just doing his job so I let my irritation past. It's not his fault.

It's that Li Yi's fault why everything is in chaos right now.

And I had just about enough of her.

I look at Chong. "Take me to the Prince," I said.

"Yes, my Consort." Chong bowed again. We have to show protocol because we have audiences.

I talked to the Queen Dowager's nurse. Making sure to tell her never to leave her Majesty's side. When the doctors assured me that the old queen is fine and just need to rest, I ordered people to escort her Majesty to her room. Instructing them never to talk about the affair of Baozang and her maid within the old queen's hearing.

"Anyone who will talk, will answer to me." I look at all the Queen's attendants there in all seriousness.

One day, they will all be under my command. They should know now that I have my limits.

Baozang's maid had just striked out to me and my patience.

First, poisoning Lao with chemicals. Then burning my room and bed, putting people in danger. And this, lying that Baozang ordered her to do those things? She is just too much.

I entered the holding room. Seeing the King looking at the one way mirror and watching Qing and Lao still questioning Baozang's maid.

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