Deals Under the Table

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There is no doubt in my mind that Heise orchestrated that car and truck to chase us.

He is really trying my patience? Fine! I can play his game.

"Lao, call my managers..." I ordered immediately after we got back to Palace after that blasted cake tasting schedule.

"Right away, my Prince..." Lao left to follow my order.

"What are you planning to do?" Dayu asked me nervously. He looked peaked and a little pale even after two cups of tea and some slices of cakes.

I was totally useless in that cake tasting demo on the bake shop. Dayu had to taste everything, smile and listen carefully as the bakers described the cakes they want us to choose for our wedding. While I sit there and contemplate how I will pay Heise back for that little chase he gifted me. Dayu did all the work.

He chose a simple custard flavored cake. I think because that's the only flavor that doesn't taste like sand on his mouth and lighter on his churning stomach compared to others.

Dayu was shaken. We were all shaken but for Chong and I, this is the first attempt on us. Lao's third but Dayu? This is the fifth or sixth times that he had to survive an attack on him.

I wonder, how close Dayu is to breaking down.

I gather him in my arms. "Hang on, Love. Everything will be over soon,"

Dayu hugged me back. "You didn't answer my question. What are you planning to do?"

He is insisting but he doesn't need to know how ugly I can be. I just hugged him tighter, "It will be okay. Rest now. Huh?" I lean out to kiss his forehead.

"You will not answer, right?" Dayu gave me more worried looks. I smiled at him, he frowned at me. Then he pouted. "Fine! Whatever! Who cares?" He shrugged. I gave my best not to laugh at him. Dayu is that good, he can change my mood from anger to laughter with just one go.

He is special.

"Not you. You don't care," I said before kissing his pouting lips. He sighed. "Yeah, I think I should..."

"Dayu," We both look when Chong came in. He gave us unsettled looks. "The...ah...King wanted to see you..."

"Me?" I frowned.

"No, your Highness. Your Consort," Chong clarified.

"Me?" It was Dayu's turn to frown. He looks up at me with question in his eyes but I just shrug because I don't know why my father will talk to Dayu. If it's about what happened, he could have asked for me.

"Okay," Dayu smiled and stood in tiptoe to kiss me. I kissed him back but he pushed me away quickly. "I have to go. Can't keep the King waiting," he winked at me before coming with Chong who has no expression on his face. He is finally ignoring me and Dayu when we are being sweet.

Lao came in after Dayu and Chong left. He held his phone out for me. I took, asking Lao who is on the other line with my eyes.

"It's Mr.Li..." Lao said.

"Mr.Li," I laughed as I greet the man whom I really want to talk. "How are you, Sir?"

I listened to him tell me he is fine. I asked after his family and he delighted told me that her daughter loves shopping on Baozang's shop.

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