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6 hours before the wedding. 4am

"What do you mean Dayu is not there?" I asked Lao and Chong incredulously when they came back from their mission to search the truck that we all thought held Dayu in a glass compartment.

"The glass compartment is there but Dayu is not inside," Lao said defeatedly.

Lao looked shell shocked. His eyes are fixed in one direction but it's sort of blank. I want to hold him and shake him so he might woke up from his nightmare of finding the glass case but not Dayu.

"Your bitchy ex is playing with us." Chong said.

"Have you told my father?" I asked them.

"Yes," Lao nodded. "The King is now concentrating on the temple where your wedding to Shunu will happen." Lao stared at me. "You have no choice now, right?"

I close my eyes. "Yes," I nodded. "I wished it wouldn't come to this but it looks like this is our only choice now,"

I have to marry Shunu to get Dayu back.

"And if she double cross us?" Chong asked.

"She cannot. Or else I might kill her myself..." I can feel my hand shaking.

My phone rang. Everyone grew high alert when it rang cause the only person who will call me at this hour is Shunu.

My father and his three friends went out of the King's study to join us as we gather around the King's receiving room. The equiptments to trace a call was there as well as the police who is on charge of tracing every call I will get.

So far, all of these are proving their uselessness to me. We still cannot locate Shunu.

I pressed the accept button. "Hello..."

"Did you got tired?" Shunu voice filled the room as we are on speaker. "Chasing after that truck."

"Where is Dayu?" That will be the only question that matters.

"With me," Shunu said.

"I want to talk to him,"

"You can't...he..."

"If you will not let me talk to Dayu, you will not see me on that temple, Shunu." I am done with her excuses. Everytime I will call, I am asking after Dayu and wanting to speak with my fiance. But she is always deflecting me.


"Let me speak to my fiance," I said in an uncompromising tone.

"I am your fiancee," Shunu sounded like she is close to throwing a tantrum.

"I like to speak to Dayu. Or no wedding will occur,"

"Wang Qing! Are you really provoking me this way? Are not afraid that I will kill your precious Dayu?"

"Haven't you yet?" I shouted that shocked everyone there. "Give me some evidence that my fiance is still alive. Let me hear Dayu's voice. Let me talk to him or I will not come to that wedding you wanted,"

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